Chapter |39| Cat and Mouse

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I'm drowning slowly

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I'm drowning slowly. My lungs are filling with water, my breaths are getting shallow, my heart is slowly stopping. Then suddenly a flicker of light appears, midst all the darkness.

I'm scared that the darkness will engulf it and turn it into ash, but instead it stays alive. It's guiding me. Luring me closer towards it. My feet move all on their own, my eyes are entranced.

It leads me right, then left and then upwards. There's a door. Should I open it? Can I? I don't think I have enough strength in my body, when suddenly the light hits me and my body absorbs it's energy.

I feel... powered, and strong. I feel invincible, like I could climb Mount Everest or fly a plane.

I try to walk but my feet are glued to the floor. No amount of strength could tear my away from this spot and slowly my hope starts to deflate.

Then I hear it. Cries of a baby.

My baby. Kieron. He wants me, he needs me. I have to help him. He's my baby. My baby boy needs my help. I push through the darkness, even though every step sends jolts of agonising pain throughout my body. Please. Help.

I don't know who I'm begging. God, maybe. All I know is that I have to get out of here, I have to save my baby. My knees buckle underneath me and I collapse to the ground, but I don't let it stop me.

I crawl, dragging my limp body towards the door that seems to be my only escape, from this wretched abyss of darkness. I finally make it and a cry of relief leaves my mouth. I'm here, I made it.

Kieron's cries have increased and they're getting louder and louder. I place two hands on the door and push with all my might. It opens tantalising slowly and then, when there's a big enough gap, I hook my fingers around the edge and push through to the other side.

My body falls with the door and I'm met with a bright blinding light.

My eyes shoot open and I gasp out for air. My whole body convulses and I feel as if I'm having a seizure. Multiple sets of hands grab onto me, forcing me back down, but I don't want to stay still. I squirm and try to pull away from their cold touches but I can't.

I'm trapped. I thought this was freedom, but my, was I wrong.

My eyes shoot around the room, but yet all I see are strangers in blue clothing. Masks covering a good proportion of their face.

I desperately want to see something familiar. Something that will make me feel safe and loved. I turn to the right and notice Ryder screaming and raging like a bull. He's being held back by four guards and nurses are trying to usher him out of the room.

I don't want him to leave. I want him here, with me. His eyes meet mine and his hard expression melts. I can see his fingers reaching out for me, so I do the same. We are so close to each other, merely an inch away from touching.

𝑪𝒉𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝑻𝒐 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑴𝒂𝒇𝒊𝒂Where stories live. Discover now