Chapter |36| Trapped

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Dirty, revolting and unsanitary are just a few words to describe the abominable cell me and Kira are currently trapped in

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Dirty, revolting and unsanitary are just a few words to describe the abominable cell me and Kira are currently trapped in. I think it's been two hours, since we were kidnapped by Sergio's men.

Despite not seeing him yet, we got a lovely phone call whilst we were bound and gagged in the back of a dark van. He sent his sincere regrets that he couldn't come and personally retrieve us to which Kira screamed, a muffled fuck you.

I'm not worried. Well, that's kind of a lie. I'm petrified but I know that Ryder must be tracking my ring right now and soon enough that dingy door will smash open, Ryder will scoop me up into his arms and everything will be right in the world.

Sergio will die, what I pray to be a horrible painful death, and then me, Ryder and our baby can live our lives in peace. At least that's what I'm praying will happen. It's still been two hours and not a word from anyone.

There's been no gunfire, no shouting, no-one pleading for their lives, but I can't lose hope. At least not yet.

I'm proud to say that me and Kira put up a good fight. We weren't going to be taken peacefully, that's for sure.

The moment we knew we were screwed we began screaming for help and trying to kick and claw our way out of the arms of the men who tied us up and threw us into the van.

The whole journey we made sure to make our captors miserable. We kicked, shouted, screamed, yelled, head butted, everything we could possibly do. Then whilst they were moving us to these cells, we tried to escape which failed miserably.

Kira head butted the guy carrying her and then kicked him in his junk, whilst I put my teeth and legs to good use. We made it about four hundred metre before they grabbed us, drugged us and then locked us here.

Now, I'm tied up in chains. I'm sitting down on the dirty floor, my legs resting in-front of me and my arms held up by chains. They're aching and sore and despite my screaming for someone to loosen them, no-one came.

Kira has it even worse than me. Her whole body is chained up against the wall, and there's even a chain wrapped around her neck to keep her head in place. Apparently her reputation as a crazy assassin precedes her.

She's still acting like a crazy bitch though. Screaming at the top of her lungs, shouting about how she's going to kill everyone single one of them and going into detail about their murders. She's even taunting them, but no reaction is given.

The sound of a key jingling gets both our attentions and we turn to look at the door. It slowly creaks open, revealing a large man with more tattoos than I can count, and then Sergio standing behind him in a sharp grey suit.

"Ladies." He greets us, as he steps inside the cell. I notice how his face scrunches up in disgust at one whiff of the revolting smell.

"Not so nice, is it? You know I really expected better than this. I thought we were your guests." Kira says, a fake smile plastered on her face. Sergio grins and turns to smile at her, before punching her straight in the face. Her nose busts open and she groans but doesn't scream, not wanting to give him the satisfaction.

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