Chapter 3: you look great

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Truth be told, I thought April would be over Harrison after she fucked him. I always forgot she wasn't as familiar with one night stands as I was.

Not that I was familiar anymore. It had been quite a while.

April liked relationships, and it seemed like Harrison liked them too. The next day, Harrison dropped April off at our apartment about an hour before our shift at the cafe. She walked in all smiles with a bounce in her step. I had no idea how she was so awake so early in the morning. She always was. While I was grumbling good mornings to her until I had my cup of coffee, she was chatting as soon as she got out of bed. Just like every other morning, I rolled my eyes at her energy but smiled anyway. Seeing her happy always made me happy. I couldn't help it.

"I take it you had a good night?" I asked her while stretching my arms over my head.

"The best!" she called back as she went into her bedroom. "Harrison's so lovely, (Y/N), I really like him."

April finished getting ready just in time for our shift, so we headed out and made our way down the street to the bakery. It was nice to live within walking distance of the place, and as long as we were together, neither of us minded the early morning walk through the streets of New York.

The first hour at the cafe was busy, as usual, but when there was a shortage in customers, she dove right in to tell me about her night with Harrison. She spared me the details, which I appreciated, but she talked with such a glow that I knew she had a good time and that Harrison had treated her well.

When Harrison came in around noon with the intent to take her out for something to eat since our shift ended, I knew she was smitten. After two days? How? I was still iffy on how I felt about my gynecologist, and I had been seeing her for five years. April always did trust a lot faster than I did.

For almost two weeks, I saw Harrison everyday. Often, because I saw Harrison, I saw Tom. Fucking Tom. I hated him. Him and his stupid button-up shirts and perfectly gelled hair and taut muscles and his annoying ass smirk . He would be the death of me, I knew.

Whenever Tom and Harrison came to the cafe, it was empty. If it wasn't, it cleared out moments after they arrived. I couldn't understand it. It was as if they had this magical power to make everyone around them vanish. Whatever it was, I hated it, because it meant I had no choice but to talk to Tom or look like a straight-up bitch. And I hated talking to Tom. He always made me mad, always called me sweetheart or babe or darling or princess or sweets . Who was he to call me pet names after insulting something about me?

"You need to make stronger coffee, princess."

"Did you even warm up this muffin, sweets?"

"There's too much ice in this, darling."

Well I'm so sorry sir , I wanted to say to him. While I dump out all his coffee to make a stronger one. throw the muffin into the microwave, and remove three ice cubes from his iced coffee, would you like me to shine your shoes or suck your dick?

The fucking nerve .

I made sure to support April though, because I was glad she was happy. And it really seemed like Harrison was treating her well. I just didn't like that I had to suffer while she thrived. Yes, I considered spending time with Tom suffering .

Every waking moment with him made me want to blow my brains out. He was rude, arrogant, self-centered, and completely aggravating.

Then one day, Harrison came to the bakery on his own. It was the first time since he met us that he had done so, so it caught me a little off guard. "Hey, Harrison," I said, giving him a smile. April was in the back getting a tray of muffins to replace the ones we had run out of at the counter. "Americano?" I asked.

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