Chapter 8: mafia world

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Tom sighed and crouched down beside me, gathering my hair into his hands and holding it back for me. I pushed him away and caught my breath again. "Don't fucking touch me," I spat. "You just murdered someone. I don't want you anywhere fucking near me."

"Did you not see his gun pointed at us?" Tom snapped. "I just saved your life."

"And what, I'm supposed to thank you?" I said now turning my gaze to his.

"This is exactly why I told Harrison to break up with April!" he shouted. "Don't you see that I'm trying?"

"Trying to what?"

"Trying to keep you two out of this!" he spat. "I told Harrison not to associate with April, and he ignored me! That's why, yes, you're right, I don't mix business and pleasure. Can you fucking get that now?"

"Do not yell at me like I'm the one who's in the wrong here!" I said. "You're a fucking mob boss!"

"This is fucking ridiculous," Tom said throwing his hands in the air, turning his back to me, almost laughing. "I save your life, and I get a lecture."

Harrison came into the bathroom then, his hands no longer coated in blood. "We called the guys to get rid of the body," Harrison mumbled. I swallowed, not wanting to get sick again.

"Great," Tom said.

"I'm going to get April," Harrison said, turning around to leave.

"What?" Tom and I said, stopping Harrison in his tracks.

"Why?" Tom added.

"I'm not going to let them live on their own!" Harrison shouted, throwing his arms in the air. "I broke it off with April, and now it's all just gotten worse instead of better. If we leave them alone, they'll die, and you know it!" he yelled, pointing his finger at Tom.

"Well then-" Tom shrugged. "-let them."

"You can't be fucking serious," I said, standing up to face him.

"Look, it's not my fault your roped into this!" Tom said, now facing me. "They're not my responsibility, When I said break it off, I meant permanently ." A cord seemed to snap in Harrison then, because he grabbed Tom by the collar and picked him up from the ground, slamming him against the wall.

"Everyone is so fucking violent," I muttered, rubbing my temples, stepping back.

"It's about time you start sharing this responsibility," Harrison said, his voice low. "Because maybe it's my fault that all this started, but you're the one who made me break up with April, and you're the reason she's here." Harrison pointed in my direction.

"I'm going to give you five seconds to get your hands off of me," Tom said, his hands up on both side of his face, his eyes focusing on Harrison's grip telling him to let go.

Harrison scoffed. "We've already had this fight, mate. I don't care anymore, alright? You can play the tough guy all you want with the others, but you know better than to try and fool me. Don't forget who was there when this all started. When you got the call that-"

"Don't finish that fucking sentence," Tom said. His voice was even lower than it had been earlier. Harrison let go of Tom with a shove. He and Tom looked at each other for a moment, almost like they were communicating with their eyes. Finally, Harrison turned away and crouched down beside me.

"I don't want to stay here," I told him. I could almost feel Tom roll his eyes, a scoff leaving his lips.

"Listen to me," Harrison said. His voice was gentle, but firm. "We are the only people who can keep you safe now. Okay? Do you understand?"

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