Chapter 14: ive got good aim

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I hadn't realized how big their property was until we started walking across it. We had been walking along a sidewalk for about five minutes when we came across another building, still in their gated property. Tom opened the door for me, and we both stepped in. No one else was there, and Tom told me it was because the range belonged to them and them alone.

Tom walked me over to the arsenal. Tom stared at it for a moment before reaching for a small-

"Pistol," Tom said, finishing my thought. "A 9mm pistol. It's what a lot of beginners use for self-defense."

"Okay," I said. Reaching for the gun, but Tom pulled back.

"Hang on, darling," he laughed. "There's a lot we've gotta walk through before you even hold this."

"Alright," I said with a grin and slight eye roll. Tom pressed the button on the side of the hand grip, and something ejected from the handle.

"This is the magazine," he said. "It holds the bullets. This one's empty." He had grabbed a box of bullets from one of the drawers and showed them to me. He inserted the bullets one at a time with the rounded side forward until the magazine was full. "Now-" He pushed it back in briskly and firmly until it clicked. "-you lock it into place." He turned the gun and showed me a small lever on the side. "This is the safety," he said. "You always want to make sure that's on unless you're ready to shoot. That's how idiots blow their dicks off- by shoving it in their pants with the safety off." I laughed, and Tom grinned. He nodded his head for me to follow him over to the cubicles where you actual shoot at the targets. It looked like the shooting ranges you would see on cop shows. Tom turned the safety off and put his palm on top of the gun. "You pull this back," he said. "It's called the slide." He used his palm to pull it back. "Now you've chambered a round. Since this is semi automatic, you'll only have to do that once. Not every single time you fire."

I nodded and watched as he properly gripped the gun. "Hold it in your dominant hand, and make sure your pinky, ring, and middle fingers are on the grip. Your pointer should be outside of the trigger. Do not put it on the trigger until you're ready to shoot. Your finger's gonna slip, and you'll shoot before you're ready."

"Right," I said with a nod.

"Put your thumb around it," he said. "You hold it firmly, but don't put a death grip on it. Now, ideally, you'll have both hands free. Not like you're in a movie, you know, like a gun in each hand." I smirked and nodded. "So you'll hold this gun in both hands. You'll put the heel of your other hand on the exposed parts of the grip. This thumb should be right under and a little bit farther up than your other thumb, and all four of your fingers should be wrapped around the base of the grip, just under the trigger guard and around your other hand. It's going to feel weird, but the more often you do it, the more normal it'll feel."

Tom adjusted how he was standing and explained it to me as he did. "Shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent," he said. "Square your shoulders and lean forward a little bit. Just your torso. Keep it close to you until you have your target. Figure out which eye is your dominant eye." He looked at me. "It's not always the same as your dominant hand. We'll figure that out when you're holding it." He put his arms out straight in front of him. "Don't lock your arms," he said. "Just like your legs, just stay a little bent at the elbow. Then, aim, and fire." I cringed, ready for him to shoot, but he didn't. "I won't shoot," he said, putting the gun down and turning the safety back on. "Not when you don't have your ear protection. But before we even do that, we need to find your dominant eye."

"Okay," I nodded, slightly jumping and shaking my hands.

"Make a diamond with your hands," Tom explained. He took both of his hands and put the four fingers on his right hand behind the four fingers on his left hand and slightly overlapped his thumbs so that there was a small circle between his thumbs. I did the same and held them in front of me. "Now-" He turned and faced the wall. There was a circular analog clock hanging on the wall. "-put that clock in the middle of your circle." I mimicked him. "Close your right eye," he said, and so I did. "Can you still see the clock?"

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