Chapter 15: are you high?

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*cocaine usage*

(Y/N) and Tom got back to the house, and Tom left her alone. He knew he probably should've gone down to the gym, but he went to his room instead. He needed to do something. Hit something. Fucking do anything. Do anything to get his mind off the blood that was rushing to his cock when he watched (Y/N) use that gun.

It was the hottest thing he had ever seen in his life. Who would've thought a girl with a pistol would be such a turn on for him?

But he refused to jack off to the thought of her. Not again. Not when she was in his house, and not when they were trying to actually get along.

Tom paced around his room, tugging his fingers through his hair in frustration. "Fuck!" he almost shouted, clenching his fists and digging his nails into his palms. He knew what he wanted to do. The one thing that always, without fail, got his mind off the things he didn't want to think about.

Tom went into his bathroom and dug through the top drawer. Pushed in the back was his stash of cocaine. He grabbed his wallet out of his pocket and got out his debit card, then dumped a little bit of the powder onto the counter. With the card, he made it into two lines, but before he could actually snort the powder-

Tom stared at himself in the mirror, gripped the counter in his hands, and clenched his jaw. He could practically hear Harrison in the back of his head, reminding him of all the reasons he should kick the habit. And deep down, he knew he was right. But life was hard and his job put him under a lot of stress, and with the girls in the house, he was way more on edge than usual, now having to keep an eye on two other people who weren't even - technically - his responsibility. And now these feelings? He couldn't have those.

"Fuck this shit."


Tom went upstairs as soon as we got home, so I just went into the living room. April and Harrison were there, flicking through titles on Netflix. "Hey," I said, smiling at them. "Can I join you?"

"'Course," April said with a smile. "We're trying to find a movie."

"Gotcha," I said. I plopped on one of the recliners and tucked my feet up under me. While they scrolled through the movies, I was thinking about the time I had spent with Tom. I actually had so much fun with him. We were laughing and talking, and he was nice . Maybe our bickering had all just been stupid and pointless. Maybe this truce was a good idea.

I couldn't help but wonder if one of the reasons his personality had shifted was because of what happened to me when I went out. It was the first time I had seen him treat me with any emotion except anger and annoyance. He cared. I could tell the minute I woke up in the morning and saw him with the others in the kitchen. I wish I had a clearer picture of what happened the night before. Why did Tom come into my room that night in the first place? Why did he care about where I was or what I was doing? Was it guilt? Guilt that I was in this situation? An obligation he had to fulfill to Harrison? Or did he actually care?

"Hey, Harrison?" I asked. He and April looked at me. They had been bickering between two movies: harry Potter and mean girls.

"What's up?" Harrison said.

"This is probably a dumb question," I said, furrowing my eyebrows and thinking about how to phrase what I wanted to say. "Tom's kind of a closed book, yeah?"

Harrison shrugged. "I guess."

"So, when we first met and he was -you know- a dick, was that just-" I hesitated. "-is that just normal Tom?" When Harrison hesitated, I realized I didn't want to know the answer. "Okay," I said, shaking my head. "Forget it. I'm not even making any sense."

Seize it (mob Tom x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz