The true endings to all endings

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Kira stepped out of his car.

"So you were trying to leave me. WHY?" He screamed pointing the gun around madly.

Y/N calmly looked at him.

"I love you Kira. But I can't be here and you know that. You need to let me go or else just kill yourself". She said.

Michael jerked back in surprise at her words.

Jesus Y/N.

Kira cried, the tears streaming down his face.

"The doctor told me I have Stable Angina. I might need Cardiac Bypass". He sobbed his hands shaking.

Y/N remained calm and for a second it was silent.


Violet screamed clutching her wound.

Kira stared at her and then pointed the gun at her.

"Just shut up already".

He shot her in the chest and she collapsed screaming.

It didn't last long.

She was then quiet.

The sounds of sirens were heard and Michael glanced at Y/N. She just gave him a nod of affirmation.

Kira let out a dry laugh.

"She was so annoying".

The police cars pulled over.

And Kira dropped his gun.

Staring into Y/N's eyes, he smiled and mouthed, "Its not over".

5 months later-

Michael looked out at the sea. The sun was setting. The waves crashing loudly.

A beautiful orange glow was out in the horizon.

His phone rang and he picked it up.

"It's me". Came Y/Ns voice.

"How are you doing" Michael asked watching a guy walk his dog. The dog barking as it ran away in excitement.

"On and off. Some days are better than others. Kira tried sending me another letter.. But my lawyer said he would take care of it. At least the news of us died down".

Michael laughed a bit.

"Yeah. Thankfully. Where are you?"

"At the airport".

Michael smiled his eyes still focused on the man and his dog.

"So you're still going to leave".

A short laugh came on the other end.

"Yeah. I need to get away. The money I got from my moms will is more than generous. This trip is all I need right now".

"Good luck".

A soft sigh came.

"You too. And Michael take a chance. Sometimes even when the worst has happened, taking a chance is what all we really need. I need to go. They're boarding us now. Bye Michael".

Before he could say Bye back, she hung up on him.

He pocketed his phone.

Take a chance huh?

He walked down the stone steps and over to the tall handsome man.

The wind picking up the sand a bit, he squinted, smiling at him.

"Hi. I'm Michael".

The Other Girl  (Yandere Males)Where stories live. Discover now