Chapter 6: Fremdscham

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(Thank you Purple_SHADOW1122 for your suggestions!)
The four Trolls were almost at their destination, it was easy to tell from the desert-like terrain. Throughout the trip though, Branch had continued to try and talk to Trollex or talk Poppy out of her plans to stop Queen Barb. Queen Poppy didn't seem to listen to what Branch had to say though, or at least responded with answers that didn't help back her up that much.

When the two were at it, Trollex would think over the situation. At some point, Trollex and Biggie actually spoke to one another. Biggie expressed his worry to Trollex, and the Techno Troll couldn't do much but try to reassure him the best he could. It was clear that Trollex had a hard time doing said action, but at least he tried.

Once all four of them did arrive, with Queen Poppy's face in the map, they all realized fairly quickly how empty it looked. Poppy looked up from the map, "This must be where the Country Music Trolls live." She said, as if it wasn't obvious by the clear country vibe everything had.

"Welp, it looks like nobody's here. We're too late, Time to go home. Come on guys, let's go!" Branch said, rather quickly too. Poppy closed her map and continued forward while Branch walked back the way they came. Honestly, Trollex agrees with Branch, but he can't voice it since he hasn't had a drink of water or any water period to rehydrate himself for quite a while now, meaning his throat and skin feels really dry and uncomfortable.

Through the short time of Branch walking back, Poppy managed to make more progress then he did. "There is no 'I Quite' in Team!" She yelled, causing Branch to stop. The three Trolls caught up with Poppy and started making their way to the home of the Country Trolls together.

In the Short distance they had left to Lonesome Flats, Trollex heard a handful of sounds. A slightly distant sound of a rooster attempting to make his signature call before giving up, a chime of a the big clock in the town, and a banjo being played.

Once they were officially in the town, Trollex and the Pop Trolls hid behind a barrel, Biggie was inside it though. They all listened as someone began singing, Trollex doesn't know who since he can't see them, but he can definitely hear them.

"We don't hope for, making things better." A voice started to sing, it was clear that they were female, or at least sounded female. The Country Troll continued to sing, and Trollex was rather enjoying it. He doesn't mind Country Music, from what he heard of Classical, Trollex doesn't mind that either. So long as it isn't destructive.

Once there was an instrumental break in the song, the group of nonnative Trolls peaked out from their hiding spot. Trollex spotted a Country Troll that stood out from the others and was holding a Banjo, it wasn't hard. But he turned his attention to the Pop Trolls as they started it speak to one another.

"This Song is so sad." Poppy said, seeming confused. It makes Trollex wonder if Queen Poppy has never heard a sad song before, most at Techno Reef are happy and songs that Trolls enjoy for the positive words and music, but there are still plenty that are not. It's rare in Techno Reef, but it's there.

"Yeah, it is sad. But, life is sad sometimes so I kinda like it?" Branch told Poppy, though his statement sounded more like a question.

"Really?" Poppy asked, getting a shrug from Branch as a response. The two leaving their hiding spot, Trollex and Biggie following.

"But it's so different. Oh, they must not know that music's supposed to make you happy, that's awful." Poppy said, sound sad for the Country Trolls. Branch's smile slowly turned into a frown as she spoke. Trollex thought about what the Queen of Pop just said, he internally asked himself if Poppy didn't understand. Trollex didn't have much time to continue thinking about it though, the song had continued to once again have lyrics.

"An' all these years just keep on, Passing is by!" The Country Troll sang, her voice much louder than before. Many other Country Trolls were dancing in small groups of four around her, enjoying themselves. As the song continued, one Country Troll appeared to have a heart attack of some kind, making his way to a coffin and falling in. The singing Country Troll made her way over the coffin, the other Trolls surrounding her in a heart shape.

"That's the way it goes, when your just born to die." She sang, ending the song by slamming the Coffin shut. Trollex does agree that the song was sad and maybe even a little dark, but that doesn't mean it wasn't bad. Though, the mention of death throughout the song did make him uncomfortable, he's still worried about everyone back home and would be devastated if a Troll had died from Queen Barb's attack.

"Okay, guys, guys, guys. Huddle up!" Poppy told her travel companions. Trollex felt out of place in the huddle, and he would soon find out why.

"First things first, these Trolls need some serious cheering up and we're gunna have to go, Top Shelf." Poppy Explained, Biggie looked alright with it, but Branch seemed uncomfortable. Trollex was just confused, having him feel more out of place.

"Now, when you say 'Top Shelf' you don't mean..." Branch trialed off, letting Poppy answer before he said anything more.

"That's right!" They all stopped leaning in and stood, in Trollex's case he sat, upwards. "We need to sing them the most important songs in the history," Poppy took a deep Breath, "Of Music." She finished.

The moment Poppy mentioned singing, Trollex maneuvered his way out of the now mostly nonexistent huddle. Trollex can't sing with the Techno String, as far as he knows, and he would rather not try to sing either since his throat is still incredibly dry. So Trollex simply sat somewhere nearby and watched as the Pop Trolls continued their conversation.

Before Trollex, and apparently Branch, knew it, the Pop Trolls were singing. Poppy started, but when it was time for Branch to sing, he did, but looked uncomfortable for a few seconds. This didn't last long though as he got into the song really quickly. Trollex could only watch as they went from song to song that even Trollex cringed a little at, they were going overboard.

It was clear that none of the Country Trolls were enjoying the music being sung by the Pop Trolls, the Country Troll who was previously singing even seemed offended by it all. At some point, Trollex had covered his eyes, he simply couldn't watch. Trollex didn't think any of the songs were bad, it was just clear that the Pop Trolls were going too far and disturbing the peace of the Country Trolls, in their home no less.

By the end of it all, The Pop Trolls manages to unintentionally make Lonesome Flats as empty as they first saw it again, with one Country Troll calling out, "You Suck."

In less than a minute, all four of them were put into a place that is used as a jail cell. Trollex isn't sure how he got thrown in too, but he guessed it was because of his appearance and that fact that he came to Lonesome Flats with the Pop Trolls.

"Now I want you three to sit here," Trollex was glad the Country Troll wasn't referring to him, "and think about what you've just done. That was a Crime against Music." The Country Troll said, obviously upset over what the Pop Trolls did. If Trollex was being honest, he doesn't blame her.

"Wait, No! We're hear you warn you about Barb, the Queen of Rock." Poppy tried to explain, though the response she got wasn't one Poppy was probably expecting.

"Sweetie, I already knowable have heard about this Queen Barb and her Fancy World Tour." The, who is probably the Troll in charge of everything around Lonesome Flats, explained in a fashion to show she doesn't seem to care. "Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go wash what you call music, outta my ears." The Troll said, getting gasp from Poppy as the Country Troll turned around and started to leave.

A small Troll popped out of the Country Troll's hair as she walked away, looking at the Pop Trolls the little one said, "Oh you in Real Trouble now! Right Aunt Delta?" The Troll asked. Delta, didn't answer and instead told the Troll that'll be guarding the Pop Trolls and one Techno Troll to keep an eye on them.

(When I was Writing this, It got way too long. So the next chapter is the second half of what was originally going to all of this chapter.

Also, the dry throat thing is because I have a crazy dry throat and it makes sense since Trollex is normally in water. I type what goes through my brain, so that kinda just happened.)

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