9. (So be patient with beautiful patience) فَاصْبِرْ صَبْرًا جَمِيلً

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In the Name of Allaah the Most Forbearing and from Whose Hands springs all cures

Millions of blessings and peace of Allaah SWT be upon His beloved Prophet Muhammad SAW, his blessed descendants and noble companions.
- Aameen

So be patient with beautiful patience

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So be patient with beautiful patience

Ya Rahmana, more than all the other birds, why is that eagles fascinate me always? Why do I love watching them so much in Thy vast beautiful sky?
Thou have made them so powerful and graceful Subhan-Allah, and I cannot help becoming captivated by their smooth flight thinking how truly they're the King of all birds...! As they seem to touch the heavens and beyond it dawns upon my heart how far away they look, lost to the whole world, yet completely immersed in Thy remembrance no doubt as they glide around in tranquil circles growing smaller and smaller to my envious sight.

The wind here in this balcony is swift and invigorating and I brace myself against the parapet in the delicious fear that my wish of flight would be fulfilled if I lean too much and I would be whipped around and carried far away to join maybe the prestigious circle of eagles... ah one can dream yes ya Rabbi?

One of the eagles suddenly drop low and come close to the balcony, perhaps wondering who this foolishly grinning person was who had been gazing at the sky for far too long and if I had raised my hand I could have touched it, at least my fingers would have grazed it but I stand still holding my breath, the grin wide yet my gaze wistful as it soared away... its wild impassive face revealing nothing.

My eyes fall on to what used to be the busiest intersection of four main roads yet now only the solitary auto or bike speed past along and my heart constricts when I glimpse those who are forced to be outside with their goods, sometimes veggies or fruits, so that they could earn a little and maintain their home despite the fear of death from a virus, something they cannot see...yet the fear of hunger and starvation is more real and desperate as it gnaws at their bellies and... I feel so helpless ya Rahmana and what can I do except pray to Thee ya Rabbi? Forgive us, forgive our transgressions, our sins, our ingratitude...help and guide us, surely Thou art ever Most Forbearing and Most Kind!

More than a month has passed and we're still stuck here at my elder brother in law's house in another state, unable to go to our home because of the lock down...we just came for a few days to visit his new born baby but Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala had other plans and we're forced to extend our stay as the government only increases the days of lock down without even a day or two of respite, so that those who are stranded could at least go back home...but I'm not complaining ya ilaahi, unlike so many others, we're well fed and safe under a shelter, and remembering Thee, and what more could I ask?

Alhamdulillaahi Rabbil Alameen!

But living in close proximity with others in a home that is not yours brings out new challenges, also to remain calm and polite, not to hold grudges and to dispel the unfair thoughts about others from your mind, and seeking refuge in Allaah SWT from the whispering of shaitaan from our heart regarding the action and words of others that have the power to hurt us, or perhaps more accurately, to wound our ego... and sometimes the nerves become so strung up, all you want is to be left alone...but that becomes impossible when there are close to ten people living with you... but I pray that all this makes us to be a bit more kind, teaches us to be a bit more patient... that these strange days shows us what is it to really have Sabrun jameel (beautiful patience) for Thy sake ya Rabbe Dhul Jalaal...

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