10. When the pattern starts to make sense

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In the Name of Allah the Most Beautiful and the Most Understanding One

Infinite Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon our beloved Prophet and Master Muhammad Sallal-laahu-alayhi wasallam, his blessed descendants and noble companions.

Dedicated to all those who were concerned and sent beautiful Duas our way, jazak Allaahu khairan katheeran katheera

When the pattern starts to make sense

In every person's life, there come some beautiful times when the reality of their Duas become fulfilled and one cannot help becoming overcome with such awe and gratitude to our Rahman for making them come true Alhamdulillaah, ah who can ever deny ...

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In every person's life, there come some beautiful times when the reality of their Duas become fulfilled and one cannot help becoming overcome with such awe and gratitude to our Rahman for making them come true Alhamdulillaah, ah who can ever deny that they haven't experienced such a time?!

These days I walk inside a cloud of bliss and tranquility and feeling so humbled that He granted our Duas Alhamdulillaah, that we came back home safe and sound. It's going to be nearly a month now since we came to our city, like living inside an adventure story we reached the border of state with many Duas from where my Abbu (may Allaah bless you with a long and healthy life! Aameen ya Rahman) picked us up in the car and then we rode all the way to our home crossing villages and towns amidst check-posts where the officers stopped us occasionally to check our passes.

The last few days of Ramadhan and Eid was spent at my Abbu's where we had to stay in home-quarantine for 14days...and I could never be grateful enough for those days of soothing peace ya Rahmana... no matter where in the world we go, a married woman coming back to her parents home for a visit is always a tremendous blessing, where she's treated like a princess, where we can heal back our emotional wounds and mentally gain strength to face again the dunya outside.

To watch your parents go around the home with a goofy smile on their face just because you are there, what better blessing could be had ya Rahmana?

And to listen to the familiar soothing Qiraath of your Abbu, praying Salah behind your husband, brother and father while standing beside your mother... ah what more could a heart need to sway in joy?          

Another great blessing at my Abbu's home are the cats. They're stray ones and come and go as they please and there are quite a lot of them, more like generations. The grandma cat, a long snowy one with patches of black, then her daughters, and then the grand-kitties... and I watch them frisk in the garden while the grandma watches them from a seat above like a benevolent queen observing her subjects and I grin wide, feeling my heart swell with gratitude, Alhamdulillaahi Rabbil 'Alameen Alhamdulillaahi Rabbil 'Alameen!

Then there is the lockdown which keeps on extending and extending, what is really happening with the world outside ya Rahmana? Death upon death, they scream; virus spreading, they scare; economy collapsing, they whisper; what is going to happen to the world? they mutter; But Thou Knowest best ya Ilaahi... how many died because of the epidemic and how many because of fear and the poor because of hunger... ah how widespread the fitna of dajjal must be now that the authorities don't really care about those people who are daily becoming homeless and starvation quiet common...

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