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The alarm went a few times during the night for ambo but nothing for 81 so I nearly got a full nights sleep. I rolled out of my bed and walked through to the common room and made myself a cup of coffee. I placed it on the counter then turned around. 
"AHH" "Calm down it's just me" "God damn Matt" "Sorry" I sighed then grabbed my cup and took a drink of it. "You ok?" I nodded "I've been a jumpy person since I was young" "Past?" I nodded "Probably one of the reasons" "Why you up so early you are never up early?" "To be honest I don't know" He nodded "Ok well come to Molly's tonight because you owe me a drink" "I'll need to find a babysitter" "Come on you have your 2 brothers and boyfriend they can babysit have a night out with 51 once" I nodded "I'll find a way" "Good" I smiled then Sylvie and Foster walked in
 "I'm gonna go shower" Matt and I chuckled "Don't laugh" I put my hands up in surrender "50/50 chance it could have been me but Brett got it" I turned around and took a sip of coffee before I started laughing. "Stop laughing 'cause I'll laugh when you are the same as her covered in sick" I slapped him with my left hand "I wish I had my right hand" "Awwe" I shook my head and sat down at the long table next to Matt. "So Mouse bringing Mya or is it, Jay?" "Mo-" "Mommy" I turned around in my seat "Hey sweetie" I kissed her head "Where's dad?" "With uncle Jay outside" "Ok" I sat her on my knee but winced in pain from my hand. I turned around to face Matt "Well there's the answer to your question"
 "Hey, sunshine" I turned around in my seat "Hey handsome" I smiled and he walked over to me and we kissed. "Where's Jay?" "Away to the 21st they got a case" "Go if you need" "Doubt they will need me anytime soon" "If you say so" I grabbed my cup and took a sip "Oh shit" Brett walked in "I'm glad I didn't say anything" I smiled "Babe what happened to your hand?" "Punched my shooter and broke it" I kissed Mya's head "Brett want a coffee?" "I'll have another Matt" "Nah you can make your own" I lifted my hand up "I think you owe me a coffee for scaring me and because I have a broken hand" "That was not our deal" "I don't think we had a deal" "What was it you said before you went with your brother?" "I OWE you a beer" I emphasised on the owe. I sighed "What's going on in here?" "Morning Severide" "Mya have you been on the top of a firetruck?" "No" "Do you want to?" She looked at me and I nodded "Go ahead baby" I kissed her head and she ran over to Severide "I got to go they need all hands on deck" "I can't drive so I'll get someone to drop me off" "Ok be safe" I kissed him "You too tell my brother not to do anything stupid" I smiled and he walked out. I turned to the table and looked down at the table thinking about everything that's happened in my life when I was snapped out of my thoughts. "Halstead" I looked up "Severide has Mya and Casey wants to see you in his quarters" "How long was I staring at the table?" "Half an hour" I shook my head then got up and walked to Casey's quarters.
"Hey" I sat down on his bed "Hey you need a ride to the 21st don't you" I looked at him "Yeah but Mouse didn't leave me a car seat so I was gonna walk" "I'll take you" "I don't have a car seat" "I do" "Why do you have a car seat?" "Long story" I nodded "Ok thanks Matt" "It's ok" "I'll get changed at the 21st so you don't have to wait" "It's fine" I hugged him then walked out and to the common room "Mommy Kelly let me press the lights" "Did he?" I smiled and kissed her head "Can I stay with uncle Jay tonight?" "You will have to ask him when we get to daddy's work" "Ok mommy" I smiled and walked out to the apparatus floor.
 I walked over to the punching bag and threw a couple of punches with my left hand then kicked it "Wow Halstead calm down a slight bit" I smiled "Nah I'm ok Cruz" I kicked it again "Halstead everything ok?" "Yeah, I'm fine just getting in what I can even if it's with one hand" "Good on you for doing the battle of the badges" I nodded and Mya ran over to me, "I think Joe said he would make you pancakes the other day" "Can you Joe?" He nodded "Come with me you can help" I smiled and sat at the squad table "So this might be squad table but I'm sitting here to avoid my kid for 5 minutes" They all started laughing "I'll remember that when you have a 6-year-old" "Halstead" I stood up and walked over to Ruzek and Atwater "You don't have your bad news faces on so what's up?" "We need you at the 21st" "I'll need to go check with my captain and chief" "We will go to Boden you go to Casey" I nodded and walked to Casey's quarters.
I knocked on the door and Casey opened the door "Hey do you mind if I duck out they need me at the 21st?" "Everything ok?" "I don't know Ruzek and Atwater are away to ask Boden" "Yeah go ahead we only have a couple of hours left on shift and you shouldn't even be working with a broken hand" "Thank you so much Matt" I hugged him "I owe you 2 beers now" "I'm up for that once you find a babysitter" "I have one Mya wants to stay at Jay's" I smiled "I'll see you tonight" "You too Kat" I smiled and jogged to the locker room and grabbed my duffel bag then jogged to the common room.
"Mya we have to go sweetie" Ruzek and Atwater came behind me and placed a hand each on my shoulder and I jumped "Will everyone stop scaring me today and will you two stop standing like bodyguards" I smiled and grabbed Mya's Ipad and Fluffy "Mya let's go see daddy and uncle Jay" "Ok mommy" "Say bye to Joe and Kelly" "Bye Joe, bye Kelly, bye Matt" "Bye Mya" I smiled "I'll see you tonight Matt but you owe me a coffee next shift" I smiled and we walked out to Ruzek's work car. I put my duffel bag in the back and helped Mya into the car seat and buckled her in. I climbed in.
"So why am I needed?" "You don't want to know just now" "How is my brother gonna over react?" "Yeah probably" "I wanna see his face" I smirked "You might wanna cancel your plans with Casey if you agree" "Oh no but how do you guys know what I need to do" "I was there when Voight was thinking out loud about it" I shook my head "You are crazy I wouldn't even think about doing that" "Ruzek is crazy" I nodded and looked at Mya who was falling asleep "What did Mouse do to my daughter yesterday?" 

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