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"What's the time?" I groaned then saw Mouse sitting next to me "11 am" "The barbecue is at 12" "I know Lucy and Jackson are in the living room and you need to get ready while I get Mya ready" I nodded "Ok" I rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I had a quick shower then left my hair to air dry. I walked out to the bedroom and picked an outfit. I decided on a long grey skirt with a slit at the leg and a black crop top. I got changed then walked back to the bathroom. I put my hair into a ballet bun then did a nude makeup. I walked out and grabbed my black high heels and pulled them on before tieing them. I stood up and grabbed my ring and necklace and put it on. I grabbed my earrings and put them in before walking out to the living room.
"Should we be dressed nicer?" "Nah you are ok we all know what I'm like" "You know I've been here for what 3 or 4 days and I'm still waiting for you to play the piano" I shook my head then sat down and started playing Underdog by Alicia Keys. "That was amazing I missed hearing you playing" I turned around and faced them "KAT CASEY IS PHONING YOU" "ANSWER IT" Mouse walked in and handed me my phone "Hey Casey" "Hey so wear something nice for this barbecue because Boden likes to do stuff at them" "Ok just me or the whole family?" "Whatever one you decide" "Ok when are you coming back?" "I'm not sure yet but sometime soon" "Ok well I'll see you when you get back" "Miss you lieutenant" "Miss you captain" I hung up and put my phone on my leg "MAMA" I smiled and Mya ran into my arms and I moved her so she was sitting on my knee. "Ok go get your bag so we can go see uncle Kelly" "Can we see uncle Blake?" "He will be there" "YEY" I smiled and grabbed my bag then put everything I need in it. "Ok baby girl let's go" "Ok mama" I got up and took her hand and we all walked out to the car. "I'll sit in the middle" "Ok" I buckled Mya in then climbed into the middle with Lucy on my left and Mya on my right.
"So what happens at these things?" "To be honest I don't know" "Well we all get to find out" "We do" I looked at Mouse "You've been quiet" "Nah do you have the tickets though?" "Yeah, they are in my bag" "Ok just making sure" "What's that meant to mean?" "Nothing" "Aren't you meant to be wearing dress uniform?" "Nah we just say that to the candidates so they turn up in dress uniforms" "That's mean" "They did it to me as a candidate so I just continue it and it was Severide's idea anyway"

I climbed out then unbuckled Mya "Ok take my hand until we get in here" "Ok mama" I lifted Mya out then grabbed both our bags. I threw Mya's over my shoulder then held mine in my hand. "So what was Casey saying?" "That I was to wear something nice because Boden likes to do stuff at these kinds of things whatever that means" We stood in the line and we soon got up to the table "Halstead" "Good afternoon Mouch" I handed him the tickets "Go ahead and have fun 51 is at the beanbag throwing" "Thanks Mouch" We walked over to the beanbag throwing.
"There's our lieutenant baby mama" I shook my head "Where did that come from Herrmann?" "Don't question his nicknames Halstead" "I'll remember that" "No one watch me" "COME ON BRETT" I smiled "Hey Brett don't sweat it alright you got this everyone's rooting for ya" Everyone started cheering "Hold on Herrmann that speech was terrible" "Like to see you do better Halstead" I gave Cruz a death look "Watch what you are saying very closely Cruz" He put his hands up in surrender "Ok COME ON BRETT" Brett threw the beanbag and it landed in the trees "Did I make it?" "Something like that Brett" I tapped her shoulder then the Herrmann kids ran over "Go play baby girl" "Ok mama" I smiled and Mya ran off with Annabelle.
"So this is what happens at these things" I nodded "Guessing so" "Halstead your turn" I put my hands up in surrender "No way Severide" "Come on" "No I'll do it the day you admit that you felt sorry I had an arsonist going after me" I smirked "Come on lieutenant" I shook my head, "I think we should go find Gallo because we convinced him to wear his dress uniform" "Nope Halstead it is your turn" "No chance" "I wouldn't trust her to throw anything" "Last time she hit someone in the head and knocked them out" I turned around "Thank you two so much" "They are firefighters and it's a beanbag" "Fine" I walked over and took the beanbag from Herrmann "COME ON LIEUTENANT" I shook my head "Come on Kat" "Come on baby" "Will you all stop saying come on?" I chuckled then threw the beanbag. "That was hella close girl" I high-fived Kidd. Mya came running back over and sat down at my feet. We heard Boden on the microphone "Alright come on Boden time" I smiled and picked Mya up and put her on my hip. "You looked good throwing that beanbag" "Is that right?" I turned around and kissed him then we continued walking to the stage.
Boden was standing on the stage and we walked over and stood next to 51 "This will be good this year" "As long as this one doesn't involve me" I looked at Herrmann confused "Boden promoted me to lieutenant here last year" "I bet you that was fun" "Funny to watch more like" I laughed and put Mya down "Go play with Annabelle" "Ok mama" "Good afternoon lady and gentlemen. I don't want to take up too much of your time away from fried food and games but I wouldn't be me if I didn't say a few words. As I look around and I see members from this department coming together with their family members for a common cause I am reminded why it is we do the work that we do, take the risks that we take it's for the community. There's no room for ego or ambition just selfless determination. That is a quality that is embodied in all our firefighters. Captain Matthew Casey, Lieutenant Christopher Herrmann, Lieutenant Kelly Severide and our newest lieutenant for truck 81 Katrina Halstead all remind me of that selfless. Now our new lieutenant Katrina Halstead she ran into a burning building the other day. She pulled out a 10-week old baby then ran back in and saved the mother and father. That is the kind of person I want in my firehouse so I am happy to call her the lieutenant of truck 81" 51 started cheering and hugging me "Thanks guys" I smiled "Now go enjoy the games and fried food" I still had a smile on my face "51 LET'S GET TO THE BOUNCY CASTLE BEFORE 19" I smiled and we all walked to the bouncy castle.
"Can I go play mama?" "Yeah, sure sweetie" I sat down at the picnic table next to Severide, Kidd, Mouse, Jackson and Lucy "So how does it feel not having an arsonist following you?" "Feels amazing you know" I smirked, "Have you heard from Casey?" "I heard from him last shift and this morning" "When is he coming back it's strange without him" "He said he's not sure yet" I sighed "Mama I'm hungry" "Come on then" I stood up and we walked over to get her some food. I got Mya and myself some food and we walked back to the picnic table. I sat down and put Mya on my lap. "Will you stop stealing my food" "Nah" I slapped his arm "What?" "That's 2 days in a row you stole my food" "I'll go get my own" "Good" I smiled and ate my food. "Mama, can I go play?" "You don't need to ask munchkin" Mya jumped off my lap and ran to the bouncy castle. "You have a good kid there Halstead" "Yeah don't agree with that after yesterday" I slapped him "No one question that" "Hmm I want to know" "What we talking about" I turned around and Gallo was standing behind us in his dress uniform
"You need to get a rush on that clean" "Yeah I know" I smirked "We talking about you shouting at that woman yesterday" I shook my head "And the day before that" "And the day before that" "Will you lot stop ratting me out?" "Nah it's quite fun" I shook my head "Halstead, Severide" I turned around "Well done on that arsonist" "Thank you chief" "Have a good time" I nodded "You too" I smiled and lay my head on Mouse's and he put his hand on my stomach then leaned down and kissed my head. "I love you" I looked up at him "I love you too" I smiled. We sat talking for a while until the music started playing.
"Katrina come dance" "Brett you forget we are pregnant?" "It's only Cotton Eyed Joe" I shook my head and got up. I walked over to the bit of grass where Stella, Sylvie and Alex were standing. We all started dancing and when the song was finished I walked back over to the picnic table and leaned against it. "Come on it's Saturday Night" "Fine" I rolled my eyes and walked over and started dancing again. The song was finished and I hugged Stella, Sylvie and Alex "I'm going to sit down because if I don't I might faint" I walked back over and sat down. I grabbed my soda and took a drink of it. "You ok?" I nodded "I'm just out of breath and tired" "Mama come dance with me" "Get daddy to dance mama is tired" "Ok mama" She grabbed Mouse's hand and I took my phone out and started filming them. "You know you can use that at her wedding" I smiled "Never thought about that" Mouse sat down next to me "51 IT'S GETTING LATE LET'S TAKE THIS BACK TO 51" I nodded "I'm up for that" "Come on then" "Wait where's West and Chen?" "They went back to ours while you were dancing" "How are they getting back?" "Uber" I nodded "Come on then munchkin" I picked her up and put her on my hip and we walked to our car.
I buckled Mya in then climbed in. "So you look beautiful" "Hmm and you look handsome" I smiled and kissed him. "So we can send Mya home with one of your brothers" I shook my head "We have Lucy and Jackson staying" "Fine"

I unbuckled Mya then we walked into Molly's. "UNCLE JJ" I smiled and Ma ran over to Jay. "Hey what are you all doing here?" "It was getting late so Herrmann told us all to come here" I hugged him "You feeling better?" "If tired counts as better then yes" "Good to hear" I sat down "So what happened" "It was pretty standard to be honest except Gallo turned up in his dress uniform which was hilarious" "That I can agree with" I turned around "Well I'm gonna go see Herrmann and Sylvie" "Mama can I come" "Come on then baby girl" I took her hand and walked over to the bar and sat down. I placed Mya on my knee "What can I get you?" "2 sodas please" "Coming up Halstead" Herrmann handed me the drinks and I sat talking to Mouse and Sylvie. There was a commotion so I handed Mya to Herrmann then ran over to the door.
"DARCIE GET OUT OF HERE" "Nah I think she should be kicked out for punching me" "DARCIE GET OUT BEFORE I PUNCH YOU AS WELL" "Halstead, Severide, Ruzek what's happening?" My blood was boiling "Meet Darcie Taylor the mother of the kid bullying Mya I'm sure Alex had a good reason to punch her" "Oh I did" "Please get out of my bar" "Kick her out" Darcie pointed to Alex "She is like a daughter to me so I will not kick her out please leave my bar NOW" She scoffed and walked out "You saved me a hand so thanks" I smiled "Let's see your hand" Alex showed me her hand "It's just bruised ice it for a bit and if the pain is still there in 48 hours go to med and get it checked" "Yes lieutenant" I hugged her quickly. "You get Mya I'll wait outside" "Ok I'll say bye to Jay as well" I walked over to the bar "Baby girl let's go" I picked her up and put her on my hip "Come on then daddy is waiting outside" "Ok mama" I walked over to Jay "We're gonna go" "Ok I love you" "I love you too" I walked outside
"Darcie go away" I put Mya in and buckled her in "Darcie don't want to hear it" I got in the car "Everything ok?" "That's the mom of the girl bullying Mya" "I wish I was the one to punch him" "Nah I wish it was me but Alex saved me a hand so I'm not exactly complaining"

I unbuckled Mya but she was sleeping so I picked her up and walked into the house. I walked into her bedroom and lay her down. I took her shoes on then tucked her in. I kissed her head and walked out to the living room. "Macaroni with bacon bits" "How did you make this that fast?" "Made it yesterday morning" "I love you so much" I grabbed a bowl and ate it "That was nice now I want to sleep" I walked to the bathroom and took my hair out of the bun and washed my makeup off. I got changed into an oversized jumper and a pair of shorts then climbed into bed. "I'll be in shortly I'm gonna make lunches for tomorrow" "Ok I'll be asleep before you come back" I lay on my side and fell asleep instantly.

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