People Know Now

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"Morning sunshine" I looked at Mouse who was sitting on the edge of the bed "What time is it?" "10 am" "We need to-" "She's already at school" "You should be at work then" "I phoned Jay and told him to tell Voight I would be late" "Go to work I think I'll phone Herrmann and see if I can decorate Molly's for tonight with Lucy" "Ok Antonio dropped Lucy off around 15 minutes ago she's in her room sleeping" "Ok I'll see you when you get back" I kissed him "Ok love you" "Love you too" I smiled and grabbed my phone and started looking through social media. I finally rolled out of bed and walked to the bathroom. I washed my face then brushed through my hair letting the curls stay. I walked out to the bedroom and picked out my outfit for the day. I grabbed a pair of leggings and one of Mouse's hoodies. I got changed then grabbed my white converse and pulled them on. I threw my hair into a messy bun then grabbed my phone and walked out to the kitchen.
"Hey Mouse said you were sleeping" "Nah I couldn't" "I get that" I sighed "I'm going to phone Herrmann and ask if we can decorate Molly's for tonight" "Sounds good except Mouse took your car" "Mine is at 51 I can get someone to pick us up and drop us off" "Ok sounds like a plan I'll go get ready" I grabbed my phone and called Herrmann "Hey Halstead" "Hi Herrmann I was wondering if I could get into Molly's to decorate" "Go ahead Kidd closed last night so she has the keys" "That's fine thank you so much Herrmann" "No problem kid" I smiled and hung up then phoned Severide "Severide" "Severide it's Halstead" "Halstead what can I do for you?" "You would be able to pick me and someone up and take me to 51" "Yeah sure why?" "My car is at 51 and I need to go decorate Molly's" "Ok that's fine" "Can you get the keys from Stella" "Yeah sure I'll be there in 10" "Thanks I'm at mine" "What one?" "Haha" "You have 3 apartments" "Mine and Mouse's" "Ok I'll see you then" I looked at Lucy who was walking in "Ok so someone is coming to pick us up I just need to get some people to help" I created a group chat with Matt, Sylvie, Alex, Kidd, Severide and Lucy in it

I looked up at Lucy "And who are these guys?" "My work colleges and close friends" "Ok so more friends" I smirked and there was a knock on the door "COME IN" "It could be someone bad" I sighed, "You think too much" "Just us" "See KITCHEN" Kelly an...

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I looked up at Lucy "And who are these guys?" "My work colleges and close friends" "Ok so more friends" I smirked and there was a knock on the door "COME IN" "It could be someone bad" I sighed, "You think too much" "Just us" "See KITCHEN" Kelly and Stella walked in
"You gonna tell us your secret tonight?" I nodded "Maybe one of them" I smirked, "Halstead you are such a player" I shook my head "Lucy this is Stella and Kelly" I smiled "Kelly, Stella this is Lucy" I leaned back on the counter almost falling "You good?" I nodded "Don't tell my brothers or Mouse because they won't let me out of their sight" Stella threw some keys at me "You can still catch" I shook my head "Who do you think I am?" "So what one of your 5 million jobs do you know Stella and Kelly from" "I have 2 jobs and I know them from my main job" "And what one is that?" "The one I get paid for" I smirked and Lucy shook her head "Halstead you coming to the bbq this weekend" "I forgot about that erm I'll speak to Mouse who's selling the tickets?" "I heard it was Mouch but we are going to get Gallo and Ridder to wear dress blues" "That's mean someone did it to me and I ended up dating someone there but it's still mean" "HALSTEAD!" "What?" I smirked "Ok we should hit the road" I nodded and grabbed my stuff from the counter "Do you mind if we stop off so I can get some stuff?" "Nah it's fine" "Thanks Severide" I put my hand on his shoulder before locking the door and walking over to his car.
"So where are we stopping?" "Anywhere I don't mind as long as they have party supplies.

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