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"Arrggg" I switched my alarm off and rolled out of bed "You ok?" "No, I have to work today" Mouse started to laugh "Don't laugh I need coffee" "You know you are allowed 2 cups a day" "Great one when I wake up and one when I start shift" I walked to the bathroom and jumped in the shower. I wrapped the towel around my body then walked out to the bedroom. "Aren't you meant to be wearing your splint?" I nodded "Yeah but I can't work with it on" I grabbed my uniform and pulled it on. "So the annual CFD bbq is this weekend" "We can go if you want" "I'll get us some tickets from Mouch" I grabbed my duffel bag and packet it with everything I would need. I walked into the bathroom and pulled my hair into a low bun. I walked out and grabbed my boots then walked out to the living room.

I dumped my duffel bag on the floor and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed an apple and ate it "Coffee to go?" I nodded "Yeah that was a stupid question" "I know" "I'll go wake Mya and see if Lucy is here" "She is your keys are here" I nodded "I'll wake her as well" "Ok" I walked through to Mya's bedroom and woke her up first. 
"Morning sleepy head" "Morning mommy" I kissed her head "Ok let's get you ready for school" "Can I wear my top like yours?" "Sure sweetie" I grabbed her an outfit and helped her get ready "Let's put your hair up" "Can I have it like yours?" I nodded and put her hair into a low bun "Mommy I want a jumper like yours" "Mommy doesn't have a jumper like hers" I looked through her wardrobe and found a CFD hoodie "But I do have this one" "Can I wear it?" I nodded "Of course you can" 

"Ok go see daddy" "Ok mommy" Mya ran out and I walked to Lucy's room before knocking on the door "Whos there?" "Just me" "Come in" I opened the door and walked in "I have a hangover from hell" I smirked "That's why I don't go drinking with the 21s...

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"Ok go see daddy" "Ok mommy" Mya ran out and I walked to Lucy's room before knocking on the door "Whos there?" "Just me" "Come in" I opened the door and walked in "I have a hangover from hell" I smirked "That's why I don't go drinking with the 21st" "Ok give me 10 minutes to get ready" "We leave in 20 minutes" "Ok" I walked through to the kitchen and sat down "I'll take Mya and you pick her up?" I nodded "Sounds good" We sat in silence while Mya was eating her pancakes "Ok munchkin daddy is going to take you to school and mommy will pick you up in the firetruck how does that sound?" "GREAT" I smiled and kissed her head "Go get your bag" "Ok mommy" Lucy walked in and I threw her some painkillers "Can't work with a hangover" I smirked, "Who said I was working?" "Me" I grabbed my duffel bag and kissed Mouse "I'll see you tonight" "Yep keep your badge off the wall" "I'll try when you try telling my brother that" I smirked "Lucy let's go before I'm late" "Ok" "Coffee?" Mouse handed me a cup of coffee in a travel mug "Lifesaver" I kissed him and we walked out to the car. I threw my duffel bag in the back then got in and started driving to 51.
"So I thought you weren't lieutenant any more" "I'm not it's still there if I wanted to change firehouses but I love 51 so I'm not changing anytime soon"

I grabbed my duffel bag and travel mug and got out of the car "So this is actually your work and you weren't lying" I shook my head "Are you allowed to have that gun on your hip while hungover?" I smirked and we walked up to the apparatus floor
 "Halstead" "Yes chief" "I heard you were a lieutenant" "I was chief back in Indianapolis" "Ok Casey is taking some furlough and I want you in charge of 81" "Chief" "I wasn't asking there's a lieutenants jacket on your locker door and Casey says you can use his quarters" "Yes chief" I didn't know what to do so I walked straight to the locker room with Lucy behind me
"So this place is quite nice" I nodded "We're all like family" "I can tell" I grabbed the lieutenant jacket and put it on before throwing my duffel bag in my locker and looking at Lucy "You have a hangover and it's funny" I smirked "Come on Katrina" I shook my head "See if you can keep up with me today" I grabbed my travel mug and walking through to the common room. 
"Look who it is" I smiled "Nice to see you too Herrmann" I sat down at the circle table "So what do you do?" "Wait for a call" "Conference room in 5" I nodded "And that" I smirked taking a sip of my coffee "Where's Mya?" "At school" "How's she getting on with that kid?" "I don't know but I'm picking her up tonight" "In the firetruck?" I nodded and stood up "So you are Casey's replacement" I nodded "Yeah I found out this morning erm Lucy come in" We walked to the conference room "Take my seat I'll stand" I stood up the back next to Severide when Boden walked in and placed his radio on the table as normal.
"Morning all so for the next few shifts Casey is taking furlough so we had to find a replacement" I looked at Brett who was a bit shocked "I didn't want to bring anyone in so our very own Katrina Halstead will be your new lieutenant on truck 81 until Casey gets back" I nodded "Also with Katrina being lieutenant we need a new driver so Stella Kidd you are now driving" I looked at Stella and smiled "Ok so we all know Katrina and Sylvie are both pregnant" I looked down "I should say congratulations but for everyone else look out for them and take care of them" I nodded "Anyone got any question," No one said anything "Dismissed" I pushed myself off the wall and walked over to Lucy "So much for not being lieutenant" I nodded "Now everyone is going to call me lieutenant again" "Lieutenant" I turned around "Yes Cruz" "Your brother is here" "Thanks Cruz" I put my hand of Lucy's shoulder "I better go see him" I smiled "Go look around or sit in the common room" I walked out to the apparatus floor.
"And I'm still getting watched by my big brother" I hugged him "Yeah well I'm never gonna stop" "Well you might never stop but at least when I introduce you and Will to someone I can say I'm Lieutenant Katrina Halstead and this is Dr Will Halstead and Detective Jay Halstead" "Wait you're a lieutenant?" I nodded "I was in Indianapolis and Casey has taken furlough so" I turned around "Got your own jacket" I nodded 

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