Coming Clean

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I woke up and Mouse wasn't next to me so I grabbed my phone and checked the time. "Damn it's 11 am already" I rolled out of bed and walked over to Apollo's bed and clapped him so he knew I was awake. He followed me through to the kitchen. I saw the note on the island and sat down. I read the note "Hey baby I had to leave early we got a case. I put food in Apollo's bowl but he didn't eat it I'm guessing you have to say something in German. Cassie was still asleep and I dropped Mya off at school. Drop by the 21 if you want but if not phone me. I love you Mouse xx" I decided I was going to go to the 21st for a bit "Eet" Apollo ate his food then Cassie walked in. "Hey" I smiled "Morning" "I feel like shit" I chuckled "I'm going to stop by the 21st then I'm going to go visit my little brother and then come back here and watch tv" "Sounds good to me" I smirked, "Only becasue you get to see my little brother" "That is not true" She started blushing slightly "Answer this honestly" "Ok" "Would he go out with me because I have 3 kids" I sighed "Cassie, to be honest, he would probably do it for the kids because he loves kids" "Well that makes me feel slightly better" "Ok I'm leaving this conversation I'm gonna go get changed instead" I walked to my bedroom and picked out a pair of jeans, a white vest and a red flannel top.  I grabbed my black timberlands and pulled them on. I walked to the bathroom and braided my hair into 2 french braids. I put a small bit of makeup on.
 I walked out to the kitchen and grabbed Apollo's harness and collar. "Apollo here" Apollo walked over and I put his harness and collar on him. "Good boy" "Aren't you meant to have a gun and badge on you?" "Oh, shoot I forgot about those" I walked to my bedroom and opened my nightstand drawer. I grabbed my holster and put it on my hip and the same with my badge. I walked back out to the kitchen "Where's Mia and Mason?" "Getting changed I was hoping to get them into a school near here" "The one Mya goes to is quite good I had problems with her being bullied at first but I soon found out that her stepdad was a lieutenant in the CFD so that was fixed" "Yeah I'll see if I can get them in there" "Morning auntie Kat" "Morning Mia where's Mason?" "Getting ready" "Ok" I grabbed an apple and ate it "Are we taking your dog with us?" "Yeah is that ok?" She nodded "Can I play with him?" "Yeah there's toys for him in that drawer over there just be careful" "Ok auntie Kat" I smiled and leaned against the counter and watched Amelia play with Apollo "Hi auntie Kat" "Oh he is awake" I smiled "Auntie Kat Apollo did the toilet" I pushed myself up "I'll clean it up" "Cassie he's my dog" "I know but I'm going to do it and you aren't going to argue with me" "Ok there are bags in the drawer that the toys are in" "Ok" "Auntie Kat can I get something to eat?" "Yeah go ahead" I smiled and walked to the living room. "Auntie Kat we're ready to go" "Apollo here" Apollo walked in and stood next to me. I attached his leash and we walked out to the car.
I opened Apollo's cage and he jumped in. I unclipped his leash and took it with me. I closed his cage then walked around and buckled Ameilia in "Can you hold this for me?" She nodded and I handed her Apollo's leash. I walked to my door then climbed in "Can you put his in the glove compartment?" I took the gun out my holster and handed it to Cassie "Sure?" I nodded "I can't drive with it there" "Ok then" I started driving to the 21st. "So I heard you wanted a new car" I nodded "Yeah I want a bigger one" "Why?" "So there's room for 2 car seats and Apollo's cage" "They fit in here" "I know but I've had this one for years" "Ok that's a good point but still it's a good car I should be looking for a car that fits 3 car seats" "We can go car shopping soon" "Yeah ok" 

"Can you pass me" "Yeah" Cassie handed me my gun and I put it in my holster. I got out and unbuckled Amelia "There you go auntie Kat" "Thank you" I took the leash from Amelia and walked around to the trunk. I opened it up and opened Apollo's cage door. I attached his leash "Down" Apollo jumped out and I closed the doors. I turned to Cassie "You want a job here don't you" "Well yeah but I don't have anywhere to stay yet and I can't keep staying at yours" "I'll watch the kids one day and you can take Hailey and go look for apartments and cars" "Ok fine" We walked up the stairs to the 21st "Morning Trudy" "Morning Katrina that gun and badge looks good on your hip" I smiled "You've always tried to get me to swap jobs and now I'm doing both" "That you are" I walked over to the gate and did everything I needed to then walked up to the bullpen.
"AUNTIE HAILEY" "Yeah they like Hailey better than me" "Hey baby sister" I pointed to Jay "Shouldn't you be at home?" "Desk duty" "Mmmm ok" I unclipped Apollo's leash then sat down. "Anyway shouldn't you be at home?" "So I'm not allowed to see my brothers and boyfriend" "Didn't say that" I shot him a look "Halstead we need you because your brother is out" "Erm ok?" "Gear up and meet me in the basement with Apollo" "Ok" I turned to Mouse "What's the case?" "Murder but the guy confessed" I looked at him strange "Apollo here" Apollo walked over and I attached his leash "Baby sister where's your vest?" "Here" I held it up and Jay walked over I lifted it over my head and Jay fastened it "Be safe" "Always" I hugged him and walked down the stairs with Apollo. 
"Look at her ready to go" "Hi Trudy" "Voight wants you in the basement" "Yeah I know"  "Chen, Roman get down there as well" "Yes sarge" I walked down to the basement and saw hank standing next to the cage that had a guy in it. "I want you three to head over to med" "Ok?" "Ask Platt for a dog car then when you get to med tell Maggie I sent you" "Yes Hank" We walked back upstairs. "Car 495 K-9 unit" "Thanks Trudy" We walked out to the car and I opened the trunk and then the cage
 "This is a nice car" "It's a K-9 car it will smell like wet dog or something" "It's not that bad Chen" "Roman what did you do to Platt?" "I did nothing to Platt" "Up" Apollo jumped up and I unattached his leash then climbed into the back. "Can we just drive to med?" "Yeah" "Thank you" "So Halstead" "What's up Roman" "How did you get upstairs" "I guess my past with Voight, Jay being my brother, Mouse being my boyfriend, Apollo and my amazing computer skills all helped up I'll always be more focused on 51" "Wait so you're a paramedic?" "And lieutenant on 81" "Hold on I'm so confused" "I'm lieutenant on 81 but I cover on 61 when I need to I come into the 21st to help Mouse with the computer side of stuff but Ha- Voight gave me a badge and gun to get my brother back yesterday and when I tried to give him them back he refused to take them and told me if they ever needed a dog unit they would phone me instead and I choose my days" "Well that's too confusing" "People tell me that a lot" I smiled. 

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