[ greed - rich with grimm. ]

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[ remastered. ]

"when mammon takes a liking to someone, they become rich with grimm."

that sentence was left forgotten in the back of your head as you laid down in your bed, staring up at the ceiling.

you were planning to go out with mammon this week, first hanging out with him in majolish before driving around town, with no other plans but to stay up until twelve am.

you leisurely scrolled through your ddd, throwing away unimportant emails, before a small notification caught your eye.

mammon. you smiled fondly. he was an enigma to you, and you were an enigma to him. you guys were barely without one another. he was the first demon who ever made a pact with you, and ever since then, he's been glued to your side.

[ mammoney: headin' back soon! get ready, 'cause the great mammon is goin' ta take ya on a joy ride! ]

you turned your ddd off, setting it down on your night stand before sitting up, stretching yourself out and feeling the popping sensation of your back.

you slipped on your slippers before walking over to your closet, it seemed.. odd.

the closet doors were bulging out a bit, you huffed in annoyance, did asmodeus stuff more clothes for you to try on?

no, he didn't.. asmo just recently posted a selfie on devilgram, he was nowhere near the house of lamentation.

so.. then what is all of-

the closet doors burst open, golden coins spraying out as it piled near your feet, slowly rising up and covering the floor.

"oh my goodness!" you attempted to jolt backwards, only succeeding in falling over and landing on more golden coins.

..grimm?  you thought, lifting your legs out of the pile of gold as you sat in your bed, looking at the questionable piles of gold on your floor.

"what in the world..?" you leaned down to grab one coin, the skull engraved on the shiny coin staring right back at you.

it wasn't your birthday.. so this wasn't supposed to be some sort of surprise.. and this wasn't here before, just a couple of hours ago..

so what the hell had happened?

a knock on your door snapped you from your thoughts.

"hey, [ name ]! the great mammon is here! open up!" mammon's muffled voice could be heard from outside your door. you quickly drop the coin, not sure what to do with the amount of gold on your floor.

you sighed, before defeatedly speaking out to mammon.

"..come in."

mammon didn't answer, but he slowly opened the door, peeking his head in the room before yelping in surprise.

"woah! where did ya get all of this money, [ name ]!?" mammon opened the door all the way, watching as the grimm pool at his boots.

"i.. i have no clue?? it just randomly appeared in my closet for no reason!" you explained, mammon's face changed from confusion, to realization, to utter embarrassment.

"o..oh." mammon dumbly replied.

"..oh!? that's all you have to say?" you were dumbfounded, surely mammon would've started diving head first into the golden coins, but here he was, red faced and not daring to look at you.

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