[ greed - cuddles with mammon. ]

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[ ᴄᴜᴅᴅʟᴇs ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴍᴀᴍᴍᴏɴ ]

mammon week chapter

your boyfriend tugged at your sleeve.

"hmm?" you asked, doing your tasks.

"the great mammon's bored! entertain me, alright?" mammon asked.

you ruffled his hair, and chuckled. "after these tasks, babe."

after the tasks

you hummed a soft tune as you played with mammon's soft white hair, mammon was on your chest, and you were just playing with his hair.

anytime you let go, mammon immediately placed your hands back in his hair, it was honestly adorable how much attention he wanted you to give him.

you stopped playing with his hair, and wrapped your arms around his neck, your head now buried in mammon's hair.

you softly hummed a tune, while you and mammon stayed in that same spot for a while, never speaking a word.

your nice cuddle session got interrupted by lucifer, who knocked on mammon's colored door, saying that dinner was ready.

mammon didn't want to let go of your warm embrace, so he held your hand silently, leading the way.

you sat next to mammon, and both ate silently.

under the table, mammon was holding your hand, eating his food with the other.

"mammon, you've certainly have been quiet, is there anything that happened~?" asmodeus commented.

mammon just sat there.

you could see his cheeks get more and more flushed.

"ah, i guess that confirms my theory." asmodeus teased.

"h-hey!" mammon pouted.

sighing, you set down your fork, and patted his head, your hand going through his white hair.

you gave him a peck, and continued to eat.

levi blushed looking at the scene, belphie and beel didn't care at all, as they were both in their own worlds.

asmo smirked, and satan and lucifer already expected you'd comfort mammon.

mammon bit his lip, and then continued eating.

after dinner, you went back to mammon's room, settling yourself on his bed, waiting for him to come.

your eyes laid on his usual jacket, and smiled.

you were waiting for mammon to come back from doing his photoshoots and sadly you couldn't come, no human could.

you slipped on mammon's jacket, and was hit with the scent of his cologne immediately.

you went into mammon's blankets, and snuggled yourself there, waiting for mammon's actual embrace.

you accidentally drifted off to sleep, not realizing that mammon wasn't there, his scent was.

mammon slowly opened his room door, and his face softened when he laid his eyes on you.

he walked over to you, and pushed some hair strands out of your face to get a better look.

"[ name ]." mammon whispered while he cupped your cheek with one hand, and planted a kiss on your forehead.

he slowly lifted the blanket, and wrapped his arm around your waist, holding you in place.

mammon thought it was so adorable that you fell asleep wearing his jacket.

mammon felt you shuffle around, and he felt your head on his chest.

"mammon.." you stirred in your sleep.

"shh.. i'm here." mammon whispered, and you relaxed.

mammon pulled you closer, if that was even possible.

you felt mammon's hands in your hair, him doing the exact movements you did at dinner.

mammon fell asleep with you.

you woke up to mammon humming the tune you always liked, playing with your hair.

"hmm? mammon?" you asked, and he hummed in response.

it was lovely to see mammon like this, he'd always show you so much affection in private, and you'd feel so proud.

"what day is it?" you quietly asked him, and he check his d.d.d.

"a saturday." he told you.

"oh.. okay." you nodded.

"then let's keep on doing this." you said, smiling.

mammon grinned.

"alright, anythin' for ya, [ name ]." mammon patted your head.

mammon then cupped your cheeks, giving you a soft, short but sweet kiss.

"i love you, [ name ]." mammon softly said. and you smiled, letting out a short giggle.

"i love you too, the great mammon." you grinned.

"you're my human, ya got that?" he gave you a warming kiss on the forehead.

"you're my first guy, so of course." you pressed your lips back on mammon's.

you pulled away, and hugged mammon.

"i don't want to get out of bed.." you groaned.

mammon agreed.

"yeah, let's stay here until lucifer loses it." mammon grinned.

"i don't think he'll be a bother."

"ya sure?"

"i'm sure, mammon. now, shush, we have some cuddling to do."

lucifer and the others were waiting for you and mammon to come join them all for breakfast, and you guys didn't come.

asmodeus made a certain comment that led everybody to think of some certain.. lewd topics, not beel, of course.

"i never knew mammon liked to take it slow.." asmodeus tapped his nails on the table out of boredness.

"beel, don't listen." belphie groaned.

okay heres a confession
i actually woke up at 4 am
then i fell asleep at 11 am
then i woke up at 5 pm
so whoops

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