[ pride - working. ]

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[ remastered. ]

the now dimmed lights quietly let me know that it was lights out, everyone was either snoozing away or pretending to sleep in their own rooms, doing who knows what. with a quiet click of my door, i sigh, turning around and making my way to the purple bed, the lush soft pillows being squished on as i laid back. the room now having little to no light.

a buzz from my cellular device. it was constant, and didn't seem to go away even after a bit of waiting out the buzzing tune. with a huff, i leaned over to my nightstand, reaching over to deny the call bluntly. not really noticing my device shifting off the nightstand due to the vibrations of the phone. it tumbled down and landed on the carpet with a small thud.

"shit." i grumbled, leaning down to pick up my phone, but stunted after a voice erupted from the device.

"[ name ]." i froze, holy hell no chance of that. of course it had to be lucifer that was calling me, and not only that, what would've happened if i declined? i shivered, thinking about the times i was almost murdered. and that happened a lot.

"..yeah?" i squeaked out, not wanting to really put myself into this situation anymore, although it was a bit awkward, i tried steadying myself and waited for the lad to finally speak up once more.

"..." silence radiated both lucifer's and my room, it was a bit silent, since the abrupt introduction to the call (i cringed as the first thing lucifer heard was vulgar language slipping out of my mouth accidentally), but even though this heavy silence i could tell lucifer was holding back on asking something.. speaking of that.

his voice felt more heavier than usual, and he talked slower than i was used to. which was strange, not a lot of things made the poor lad stressed out (even if he was, he still kept up a facade which let people know that he was stressing on the inside), and the sudden shift was all too strange.

"..ah, i must've clicked the wrong number." lucifer slowly spoke, carefully looking over his words as he finally spoke after a long pause of thinking and contemplating. i scrunch my nose, lucifer making a mistake? well, he made satan on accident but he never makes mistakes like this.

this could only mean one thing, i nod to myself, and begin to respond back.

"oh, alright." i hummed in response, saying a short bye and and letting lucifer hang up on me, i sit in thought, waiting for another call to see if lucifer would say anything, but of course he wouldn't really do that. i stood up from my comfy bed, placing my phone down on the nightstand and leaving my bedroom, quietly clicking the door close before walking down the halls of the luxurious place.

i stopped once i saw lucifer's bedroom door, it was cracked opened slightly, and i smugly smiled. he knew i was going to come, but how could i not resist? he wasn't feeling all that well.

i held the wooden door, before slightly opening it enough for me to stick my head inside the room, looking around to see lucifer, not in the best condition as he was slightly hunched over on his desk, his hand carefully yet also frantically writing down on numerous pieces of paper. and of course, it had to do with the odd amounts of letters, which most of them were opened and already sorted through.

lucifer was pretty out of it, since he didn't notice me sneak in the room. i stood there awkwardly, before raising my hand and putting my hand in a fist, clearing my throat to catch his attention.

lucifer lifted his head up a bit, and noticed me instantly. he straightens his posture, before nodding, finally realizing that i'm here.

"hey." i waved, and lucifer didn't wave back.. if it wasn't awkward enough. i looked to the side, and then shifted back and forth. "so uh, you sounded kind of stressed.. i came to check up on you."

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