Chapter One

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I looked at the various papers scattered on my desk that needed to be dealt with. Just looking at them threatened to have my head splitting from pain. I closed my eyes and rubbed at my face. Five years of Alpha bullshit and I was nowhere near the level my father had been. Hell, I was nowhere near the level my second eldest brother, Derek, had been at. The thought of them sent a dull pain through my chest and I sighed.

Five years since I had been shoved into the Alpha position. Five years since my father and two brothers had died. Five years since my mother had lost her mind to grief and five years I had to put up a front to everyone around me. Some days all I wanted to do was put a gun in my mouth and pull the trigger just to be free from everything but I would never do that to my mother or the pack my father had spent so long building.

I took off my glasses and placed them on the desk before I leaned back in the chair and resisted the urge to set the entire office on fire. If the paperwork was burned then there would be no paperwork to do. I let out a heavy groan and pressed the heels of my palms to my eyes. It hurt slightly and caused a kaleidoscope of colours to emerge but it made me feel a bit more in-control. I was putting off the inevitable, I knew I was. I had Hunter forms to fill out, bank statements to process, bills to pay, pack members to file. Too much paperwork to deal with in one go but I had been putting it off and it had only compounded. I knew it would compound into a bigger mess but I had put it off anyway. That was on me.

The door to my office opened and I took a subtle sniff. The smell of forest, wolves, and dirt entered my nose and I relaxed as the sound of bare feet scuffed against the hardwood. Despite what everyone thought, Michael and Ezekiel did come out of wolf form on occasion, just never when anyone else was around. Which is why it was so surprising Kiel had done so with Maricella. True, he viewed her as a pack member but he rarely shifted in front of others. The door closed and there was the sound of cracking bones as one or both of them shifted.

"I should make you guys a doggy door." I muttered it out and was suddenly bombarded with images of what I could do with said doggy door. I chuckled, feeling a bit more relaxed as they showed me their displeasure. I pulled my hands away from my face and blinked at the ceiling, clearing the colours from my eyes. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry. No doggy doors. Besides I think your fatasses would get stuck in it." I chuckled as Michael snarled before putting his front paws onto the arm of my chair. His hot, foul breath brushed my face and I wrinkled my nose in disgust before shoving on his wide chest, without looking at him.

"You need to start brushing your teeth. I think I can still smell last Friday's rabbit on your breath." I smiled at the low huffing sound he made as he did as I requested. I let my eyes wander to Ezekiel who had taken up his usual spot on the couch below the wide window. His bulk took up the entire couch and I was reminded of him holding Maricella's hand. She looked like a child next to him and it made me smile. "Bennett and Maricella will be arriving tomorrow." At my words both wolves perked up. Michael let out an excited bark before bounding around my desk. I laughed at his puppy like antics as he ran around and around.

Despite what people thought about wilds and how they couldn't be trusted, once you had their loyalty, there was nothing they wouldn't do for you. I trusted the two wilds with everything I had. Our friendship had extended nearly ten years for me and Ezekiel and eight for Michael and I. They never challenged me because to them while we were equals, I held the authority of the pack. They were content on being my second in commands. Not that they really did much. When they were around the pack with me they were silent watchful and volatile. When they were alone they did as they were doing, Michael acting like an idiot and Ezekiel sprawled out on the couch looking deceptively lazy.

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