Chapter Nineteen: Part Two

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"Mike." At my sharp command the wild immediately leapt for the group, snarling viciously. They scrambled away from the threatening wild and I narrowed my eyes at them before looking at Ainsley who had let the dress drop. "Take it off and put the shirt on. Mike will take care of them." I ignored the snarls and growls as Mike chased the young men off. She stared at me and I raised an eyebrow in question. "Do you need help? Do you want me to take it off for you? It's just skin." I shrugged but I looked away anyway, giving her a bit of privacy. I could hear the rustling of fabric as she changed and I rolled my eyes at her thoughts of modesty.

Nudity to shifters was as common as clothes were to mundies. We shifted so often that sometimes clothing was just a hindrance. The fact she was so shy with it let me know just how isolated she had been. I didn't doubt that her father most likely had her confined to his house or a room. He seemed the asshole type to do something like that. It also explained her abnormally pale skin.

There was a small cough from behind me and I looked over my shoulder. The band t-shirt was too big on her. It reached her mid thigh and kept sliding down her shoulder but it looked fine. A bit lazy but fine. It was definitely better than the dress, that much I was certain of.

I turned before walking over to her. "Looks good enough to me. Do you feel comfortable?" I watched as she pulled the shirt over her shoulder only for it to slip down the other side. She was too small. I knew Gamgam would have a fit if she saw her in her current state.

"It keeps slipping off my shoulders." Her cheeks were flushed red with embarrassment as she tried her hardest to get the shirt to stay in place. She was so modest it was almost painful to watch.

"It's too big, it's bound to happen." I grabbed her hand as she tried to adjust it again. "Stop fighting with it. It's not going to stay up." She scuffed her the toe of her flat against the wooden floor of the porch and I let out a rather irritated sigh. I honestly did not have the patience in dealing with someone so timid or shy. "Let's sit down for a second." I tugged her towards the porch stairs and I sat down, urging her to do the same before I let her hand go.

"I thought you were going to show me around." She settled into the spot beside me, sitting with her shoulders hunched and her head down. She looked like she was trying to curl up and disappear entirely.

"Not much I know to be honest. I've only been here a month." I hadn't really paid much attention to the territory. I didn't even really know how large it was. Based on the paperwork I did I knew that the territory extended up to the side of the mountain where two mines were and a logging company plus a sawmill sporadically worked. The village wasn't entirely exciting. It was essentially just houses and a kids park.

"There you are." At the panting voice I smirked as I looked at Jackass.

"Hello, Jack." My smirk widened at the glare he shot at me before he looked around with narrowed eyes, a frown etched deep into his face.

"Where's the wild?" At the question I looked around before smiling. Mike was still taking care of the cocky little bastards. That made me irrationally happy. I knew I shouldn't have been happy at the thought of a bit of blood and gore but to be honest it was part of my nature.

"His name is Michael and he is dealing with some assholes that were harassing Ainsley." I jerked my head towards the slightly trembling young female and Jack looked her carefully. "He should be coming back shortly." As soon as I finished saying it, Michael ran out from between two houses looking pleased with himself.

"Good pup." I patted my knee and he immediately placed his head on it so I could scratch at his face. His tail swished on the ground violently as his eyes went half-lidded in pleasure.

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