Chapter Twenty-Three: Part Three

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Luka whirled around and my heart jumped into my throat as he stalked towards me. I backed up quickly. His eyes were black, his wolf was in control, and I opened my mouth, trying to think of something to say before he grabbed me. There were a few intense moments as he stared at me, the darkness of his gaze probing into me, peeling away my layers and staring at the inner core of my soul. I didn't like the feeling and I went to shake his hot hands off my arms when his lips crashed down onto mine.

The action shocked me, his arm was snaked around my waist and I was pulled against his chest harshly. I gasped and he took advantage and deepened the kiss. I wanted to fight against it, against him, but the heat was addicting and his lips and taste were like pure sin. I almost hated myself for wanting him, for needing him, for craving him. He was my darkest temptation, he was Lucifer and I was the lost innocent. His entire presence whispered at me to give into the temptation and let the hell fire I dangled over burn me once more. My eyes fluttered closed as he grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me closer. I grabbed at his biceps, holding him just as tightly as he was holding me.

A growl vibrated in his chest as he pulled back from the kiss. My eyes snapped open and I stared up at him. I didn't appreciate the fact I had been given a glimpse of something so heavenly only to have it denied to me. My lips tingled and the warmth in my belly was slowly working up into the raging inferno I knew so well. I slid my arms up his chest and grabbed his neck before yanking him down and kissing him hungrily.

As I had stated before, I was one for instant gratification for my hunger. If I was hungry I would sate it and Luka was the only thing that would sate the hunger that as growing in my lower belly. The new level of our relationship that Luka had given me needed to be explored despite the fact that I knew there was a chance of having the fire burn me. However I needed its heat. It was a comfort and I became acutely aware of just how long it had been since the last time I had felt it.

Luka took control of the kiss almost instantly. He was consuming me with his lips, tongue, and teeth and I felt like I was drowning underneath the feeling of his lips on mine, his grasping hands, and his hard form that I clung to. He walked me backwards until my lower back hit something cold and hard. He let out another growl before he lifted me easily, setting me down on the object I had run into.

I was vaguely aware of the sounds of things hitting the floor but I ignored it to run my hands down his chest before I slipped my hands underneath his shirt. His growl turned a bit more guttural before he pulled back from the kiss and yanked off his shirt, discarding it somewhere I didn't pay attention to as my eyes landed on his lean form. I reached out, wanting to feel his hot skin under my hands. Smooth skin that intersected with small various scars made my palms tingle as my hands explored the flesh he had exposed. The large scar on his shoulder drew my attention and I let my fingers trace the raised pink scar tissue, it was a rather harsh looking bite wound.

I looked up at him, locking onto his darkened grey gaze. He simply bent down and captured my lips once more and it felt like he was breathing me in. Like he was taking my breath into himself, trying to get closer to me than our bodies allowed. I inhaled deeply as he broke the kiss to press hot, wet kisses along my jaw and down my neck. The fire was raging inside of me, the heat that flared at every touch, feeding it into a rising inferno that promised to consume me in its heat. I let out a whine as his teeth scrapped the sensitive skin of my neck and I grabbed his face, pulling it back to mine, needing his lips on mine. He chuckled before giving me what I had silently requested. The sound of the rumbling chuckle left a distinct impression of words in my mind.

Needy little thing.

I didn't care. I was needy. I clung to him, my hands taking in every inch of skin on his chest, exploring what was mine. I felt a content growl erupt from my throat and Luka took the sound into himself, returning it with one of his own that rumbled against my hands and then entered my mouth through his. I shivered at it and gripped the back of his neck as the kiss grew more feverish. I needed him so badly it was a sharp ache that only he could pacify. Callused hands slipped under my shirt and I let out a gasping moan of the feeling of his rough, warm hands on my skin.

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