A Cold Wind Blows

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A Cold Wind Blows is now published and completed! Head over to it now on my profile to continue reading the series!


Weakness was not allowed in the Mountain packs.

Living high in the mountains, away from civilization and away from prying eyes of mundanes, humans, the Mountain packs are harsh and brutal. Shifter against shifter. Pack against pack. Wolves against wolves. All fighting for the same thing. Survival.

Only the bitter and the strong survive, it was how the Algus pack had reigned over their territory for close to five hundred years. Packs battered at their defences but they had always stood tall, unwilling to let go of their territory, their status or their pack.

Weakness was not allowed in the Mountain packs.

It was a fact that had eaten away at Alpha Azrael Thorn for years. He was a powerful Alpha. He had taken his title by force, as tradition dictated. He took it from his father as did his father before him. Power and authority of the Alphas and shifters who had challenged him and lost radiated off of his tall, bulky frame. He was dangerous and he was everything an Alpha of a Mountain pack should be.

Azrael had searched for years for a mate who could withstand their ways and a woman who could survive the lands but he had only left a trail of rejection in his wake. A mate who could not stand the bitterly cold winters or the brutality of the pack would not produce strength. It would only produce weakness.

Weakness was not allowed in the Mountain packs.


If the pain stops, it means you are dead.

Rejection and betrayal are all Lace Owens has known for years. Revenge and hatred kept her alive through Hell itself and when she emerged from it, it was like she had the power of Hades behind her.

She is underestimated at every turn. Her small and delicate built matches her name but the power of defeated enemies hang off her heavily. A power and an authority that would bring many men to their knees if they sensed it, hangs off of her like an oppressively dark cloud but she hides it carefully, unwilling to let anyone see just how powerful she has become.

Under the cloak of fragility her enemies do not sense any danger until she has already gotten her claws or teeth to their throats. Their last words of disbelief fading to gurgles as their life spills from the wounds she caused. She was not a shifter to be underestimated or greeted with open arms.

If the pain stops, it means you are dead.

Lace holds pain close and finds the brutal sharpness calming in a world that threatens to tear her to pieces. She hides in the pain, revels in it, lets it bring her clarity and focus. She loves the feeling of a cold blade slicing through her flesh because if the pain stops, she knows she is dead.

Her skin is marked with a painful past and she has turned a thing of cruelty into a thing of beauty with her blade. Swirling patterns adorning her skin, hiding the cruelty among her willing pain, her only comfort against the world around her.

She hides the cruelty of her past from prying eyes and taking back the skin they had marked. Each new mark she creates bringing her freedom from her past and the demons chasing her, wanting to drag her back to Hell.

If the pain stops, it means you are dead.


Two world collide as Azrael finds himself mated to the delicate looking Lace after she kills her first mate to protect her Alpha's only weakness. His first instinct is to reject her but seeing her blood covered form and knowing not a drop of it is hers makes him pause.

Lace never wanted another mate, especially after she kills her last one but looking at the large man standing in front of her as she helps her Alpha Female back to her mate, she pauses. A debt has been paid and she no longer is bound to stay with the man who had saved her. He bids her to stay but her wolf wants otherwise.

Azrael offers her a choice. He could reject her or she could come to his territory and attempt to survive the brutal trials before her in a bid to become his mate. Lace accepts his offer but warns him that even if she completes the trials, no man can have her and no man will.


Azreal comes to find that strength doesn't always come from size and Lace learns that love can spring from even the most painful places. Together they show the werewolf world a long held belief still stands strong.

Weakness is not allowed in the Mountain packs.


Here you have it! The summary for A Cold Wind Blows. I hope you guys enjoy it!

With much love,

Anna Maria Lee Koski

Forged in Fire (Forgotten Series, #2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora