Chapter Seven

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I looked at the greying haired Alpha in front of me and resisted the urge to flash my teeth at him in agitation. I kept my eyes firmly off of the younger male standing beside him as I cursed myself and my stupidity. It had been foolish to trek through the top corner of their territory but I had done so and now I was caught.


A curse tried its hardest to worm its way up my throat and out my mouth but I forced it down. It fought against me hard but I managed, despite the taste it left in my mouth to kneel in front of the pompous male behind the desk. Even if I wanted to stand, the hands that held my shoulders tightly wouldn't let me move a muscle.

"Well, this is a predicament. Jonas, my son, explain for me." The male's rolling voice held dominance and authority but it only made me bristle. I didn't do authority or Alphas. I didn't. It was part of my nature. I was the firstborn of a firstborn. It didn't matter that my mother had been born female and had been cast aside. The Alpha position as hers by birthright, the power that came with it as well, and so by my birthright I was an Alpha as well. So I didn't particularly like kneeling before males who believed they were more than me.

"She's my mate." His voice was cold and I felt my eyes slide to him. He was practically faceless to me. I didn't care what he looked like. I never cared what they looked like. I felt another curse work its way up my throat. Fuck my Alpha Blood and fuck the fact that the only requirement to mate with me was having Alpha Blood. It was a huge pain in my ass.

"You are telling me, that she, a muddie, is your mate?" He looked at his son. There was an edge of disdain to his voice and I bristled further at the insulting name. I was not a muddie. My wolf was powerful but I had a harder time reaching her because of the numerous rejections I had suffered. It was if each rejection had been a brick that had been placed between me and her.

"Unfortunately yes." He ground the words out and I rolled my head slightly, my muscles were tensing as if I wanted to shift but I knew it wouldn't come. I was tired of listening to the two arrogant males who believed they were above me in status.

"What are we-"

"Okay, here's what's going to happen." I drawled it out, cutting off the Alpha. His eyes snapped to me at my blatant disrespect. Waves of dominance radiated off of him but they simply slid off of me, bristling the faint form of my wolf in my head. The air grew tense and I rolled my head, shrugging my shoulders, ignoring the painful grips the two warriors had on me. I pointed to Donis, or whatever the fuck his name was. "You're going to reject me and after I accept it, these two assholes are going to escort me to the edge of the territory." I jerked my thumbs at the warriors behind me and I could feel their aggression from my insult and I rolled my eyes.

I focused on the Alpha. "I'll leave and never come back because believe me." I flicked my gaze to his son, letting me gaze rake over him before I let my lips curl up in slight disgust. I could feel how offended he was from just the look. "I want nothing to do with your pathetic excuse for a son. I want to continue on my merry way, ignoring jackasses like yourself." I tilted my head and the Alpha narrowed his eyes to near slits. I raised my hand and looked at my nails completely unconcerned for how he was feeling.

"Or we could not do that. You will have your son reject me and I will never accept it. I will escape. That way I could run all over the countryside for years never letting him find another mate or create a precious little heir for your towering beacon of power you call your pack." The sarcasm filled my last words and I watched at the Alpha's face blackened. "And believe me I would escape. I'm a rogue. A lone wolf. I know my way around escaping." I flicked my gaze back up to him and I watched as he realized which was the better option. They always did, it was so predictable I could practically set a clock to it.

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