A little magic

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"Who's your favorite uncle?" Christian cooed, rubbing their noses together

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"Who's your favorite uncle?" Christian cooed, rubbing their noses together. "It's Uncle Christian, right?"

Miles lets out a tiny hiccup, the remnants of his crying. He had dropped by to see Kylie, confused when he found her desk empty. Then he hears that all too familiar weeping screams and had to know where it was coming from.

"I'm pretty sure you're not his favorite uncle. For starters, you have a lot of competition." This came from a sardonic Kylie who has been sporting a frown since he came up to her to help. The woman was helpless and was about to do desperate measures to soothe his nephew.

Kylie walks around her desk and rummage in her bag. Her hand withdrew a tissue. She shuffles closer and starts to gently dab the tissue on Miles' delicate cheeks. She was pretty thorough at it.

"You ever babysit before?" He asks, taking advantage of her proximity.

Kylie Preston has one of those cute button nose. Her distinctive eyebrows were not on their usual furrows fueled by him. Her eyes were the darkest brown he's seen – almost like coffee beans – which matches an equally dark mane of hair tied in a watermelon scrunchie.

There was a luscious shade of pink on her either cheeks. Christian has dated a lot of women who wore makeup like it was armor. He appreciates it too, having done nicely. He's seen a lot of it to know Kylie was barely wearing any.

The pink on her cheeks were a natural touch. Minus the frowns and snarls he's somehow getting used to, Kylie could be too innocent for the cruel world. Then his gaze graze down to her lips that looked like a beautiful bow.

He had to stop.

"Am I that obvious?" She answers, snapping him out of his wayward thoughts.

Christian shakes his head. "Don't you have younger siblings you had to babysit?"

She crumples the tissue and shoots it to the trash bin. "No."

"So, you're an only child?"

"What is this? Some sort of interview?"

"Avoiding the question, aren't we?" He mused.

"I can't see why I should answer the question."

Miles reaches for his finger and wraps his hand around it. Christian shakes his head at him. "I can't see why you shouldn't either."

Kylie rolls her eyes.

"Are you an only child?" He prodded.


"So, you're the youngest?"

"I guess." She returns behind her desk and started organizing some folders. She was halfway through ignoring him when he spotted a small picture frame on the far end of her desk.

"By any chance, is there a clear answer?" He shakes his head to Miles one more time who was putting his Uncle's finger to his mouth. "No, rhino. It's unsanitary."

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