The Brothers

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Matthew handed me a steaming cup of tea and sat on the wicker chair next to me. "Why are you still up?"

"I couldn't sleep." More like I couldn't handle existing in the same house as Christian. Not after what he already knows. I'd rather be freezing outside, thank you very much. The shame is worth the nasty frostbite – if the night gets icier than snow.

It's past nine and the night breeze grows unfriendly by the second. The chill had me keeping Christian's jacket on. I'd probably return it if I get over the embarrassment back at the dock.

Matthew noticed the jacket was amiss, but chose not to say anything – thank god. "Penny for your thoughts?"

"They're not really worth anything," I quipped.

"Of course, it does. Christian thinks you have a beautiful mind."

"Right." I snorted. The chances of that pesky brother of his to come up with something remotely positive about anyone is a definite 'none.' True, he can butter up his way around anyone – to the swooning ladies in particular. Maybe with compliments he doesn't need to rehearse in the mirror.

"Christian can be difficult at times, but if it's any consolation, he had beat up two of my bullies in middle school." He chuckles.

I let out a small laugh. "That's something. What's the whole story to that?"

"Nothing much of a story. I was just too scared to punch people." Matthew scratches the back of his neck, a shy smile on his face.

I scrunch my nose up, trying to sketch the image of him beating someone to a pulp. "To be honest, I can't picture you doing it."

"Neither could I." He laughs.

To be fair, I don't think it's in his nature to inflict pain on anyone. It was brave of Christian to take care of his brother's bullies himself. I'll let myself acknowledge that.

"We better head back inside. It looks like we're having a downpour."

I nodded, flinching slightly when Christian came out of the door. He winks at me, a grin that doesn't fail to annoy me is plastered all over his smug face. I gritted my teeth in response.

"Where are you going?" Matthew raises from the wicker chair.

"Heading home, Matty. See you on Sunday." He made a salute before taking the wooden steps to the driveway.

Matthew's face strained with concern. "He can't go. The road is too dark. And it's about to rain."

I watched him follow Christian to the driveway and stopped him from getting into his car. They were completely out of earshot so I relied on body language.

I clasped my hands around the mug and took a sip for warmth after a gust of wind sent intense chills down my spine.

Matthew was right. It's going to be a furious downpour. The road would be slick and dark, not to mention the rain too heavy even with well-functioning wipers. I laid the mug on the chair Matthew had just been on. I made my way to the driveway, their conversation going audible.

"It's too dangerous. Just wait until morning." It was the first time I hear Matthew's voice sharpening.

They both had their backs on me. I didn't mean to eavesdrop but I was there, hearing everything.

"Don't worry about me. I'm capable of driving." This came from Christian who uncharacteristically had tautness in his tone.

"Just wait until morning."

"I'll be fine."

"Christian, I'll poke holes on your tires if I have to."

"You sound like I'm about to end up in the hospital the next day like last time."

Silence stretched between the brothers in a growing tension. If it weren't for the cracking branches from trees wrestling with the wind, it would've been dead silent.

I cleared my throat, wrapping my arms over my chest because Christian's jacket is no match to the nipping gusts that promised a violent rain ahead. They both turn to my direction, their faces almost identical for sporting the same scowl from the burgeoning argument.

"Matthew's right. You should just wait until morning." I thought it would change his mind since it was our deal back at the dock that landed him on this situation in the first place. If it weren't for that stupid negotiation, he wouldn't be in a fight with Matthew because then he wouldn't have to leave.

I hold back a sigh when he shrugged.

"Okay." He put the grin back on.

Matthew gives me a small smile. "Thank you."

I shifted to my other foot when the wind blew strongly, this time bringing in rain drops with it. It just went straight up freezing, my teeth almost chattered.

"Let's get you inside." Christian gestures to the cabin.

I just want to share something with you guys. I've been receiving messages from editors for months now. Some are from the same platform and some are from these writing platforms I have heard of and some are these newly launched apps. I responded to some emails out of curiosity and reading their contracts, I get that they're trying to help out writers gain monetary income out of their books. It also meant they have to take them down. And it also meant readers will HAVE TO PAY to read. Which is a bummer.

I know exactly how it feels to not be able to buy coins to read these books. I want to let you guys read for free. Because reading all your comments and getting notified that you voted is enough satisfaction. This may sound corny but getting recognition for what I do on my message board and inbox (thank you for leaving sweet messages) makes me happy.

I took a screenshot

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I took a screenshot. I have to blur a few things though.

Love you! Xoxo

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