Ch. 18 Final Moments

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A/N: Just wanted to give a quick apology for taking so long to get this up. However, I hope I am forgiven once everyone realizes that this is a longer chapter than usual.

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The next couple of days went quickly, I was so absorbed in final preparations for my leaving, even though I missed Tate there wasn't much time to dwell on it. He had called me each night before going to bed and last night told me that they would be extending their time at the meeting, so he would not be home until Friday morning. I was heartbroken when he told me that it meant our last days together would be even shorter since I was leaving Sunday morning. But I understood the pack would have to come first, that's the way it was for an Alpha couple. The good of the masses needed to outweigh what you wanted for yourself and your mate. After all, it would be our future responsibility to care for and protect the pack.

I packed all my things that I was taking with me, save a few pieces of clothes that I have out because I am still wearing them. They would be getting washed and put in my luggage for when I flew out. I had scrubbed the house from top to bottom, so other than a quick pick up here and there, Mrs. Jones wasn't going to have to worry about much, after all she did have her own home to think about. Two days ago, I had already mailed out the larger items, which was a hefty bill of $ 85.63, but at least I would have everything I needed for my dorm room already waiting for me when I got to school.

I was also trying to spend as much time at home with my mother as I could, knowing that this was going to be harder on her than it would be on me. And spending time with my mom wasn't easy, as she was already suffering from the loss of my father, it has driven her almost completely mad. She truly is just a shell of a person, I remember how she used to be a vibrant, beautiful soul. All of that shattered the night my father died.

Walking into my mother's room, I opened her curtains letting the morning rays of the sun filter through the glass, "Morning mama." Still calling her mom like I did when I was young, I guess old habits die hard.

Coming out of her sleep, she stretched and rubbed her eyes, "Morning baby girl." She replied in almost a whisper.

"Are you hungry?" I questioned her, already knowing her answer but I asked anyway.

"No." She shook her head at me and added, "But I know you are going to force me to eat something either way."

I chuckled and shook my head, "You know me so well mama." And as if on queue the timer in the kitchen sounded with a shrill beep. "And there would be breakfast. Why don't you come out to the kitchen and eat with me?" I placed her robe on the foot of her bed, signaling to her that I was not going to take no for an answer. "I only have a couple days left before I leave for school. I want to spend some time with you, time that is not in this bedroom with you laying on the bed." My words may have sounded a bit harsh, but it really was more of a plea to her. Letting her know that I needed her, I needed my mother.

Ten minutes later my mother came trudging out of her bedroom, hair a mess. I hated seeing her like this, but it seemed that no matter what anyone did or how much people tried to help her she stayed the same. It was heartbreaking for me, so I grew up quickly and cared for the both of us. It was the only thing that I could do. And now I felt guilty, guilty for wanting to go to school, even more so because I was going away to school.

The guilt must have been evident in my eyes because my mother sat down, grabbed my hand and lightly squeezed it. After a couple of moments, she spoke, "You don't have to feel guilty. You are going to school to be something more, something better. NEVER feel guilty about that."

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