Ch. 25 Letting Go

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A/N: Special shout out to all those Voting for my book! @nandezz @Sanyabar @callella @lolabeanzbos  

I have been on a writing frenzy the last couple of days, so before I get to far ahead in what I am writing, I figured I would post this a day earlier than I initially thought I would be able to. 

Let me know what you think! 

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Our three SUVs pulled up to the guard shack at the entrance to Alpha Andrews territory, the SUV in front pulling over to the side allowing the middle SUV carrying my father, Kimber, and I to be the first one to the gate allowing my father to speak to the guards.

Rolling down the window the guard looked at him, "State your business." The guard spoke with ferocity, untrustworthy of the Alpha that has unexpectedly shown up on pack lands.

"I am Alpha Blackwell, I need to speak to your Alpha. It is of great urgency that I am here. " Giving a brief nod the guard went back to the building erected by the gate, picking up the phone.

After several minutes the guard returned, "Alpha Andrews has given his group permission to enter our pack lands. Follow this road straight to the pack house where our Alpha will greet you. Don't stray to other roads. " He issued the warning, a warning I am sure he had given many times.

As we traveled up the road toward the packhouse, a black truck barreling towards us, going at a high rate of speed, dust flying behind it caught my attention. Why would someone leave the pack lands so quickly? But just as quickly as my curiosity came it faded with the annoying shrill of Kimber's voice, "Oh, look the pack house! Isn't it adorable? "

I have come to loathe the sound of Kimber's voice, it is not the sweet angelic voice of Ally. Pushing my annoyance down into the deepest parts of my soul, locking it away I replied, "Yes, very." Our driver pulled to a stop in front of the pack house, my father being the first to climb out followed by myself and then Kimber. Just as we turned to face the packhouse, the Alpha and other pack members came out to greet us.

"Welcome Alpha Blackwell, Future Alpha Blackwell. I'm at Alpha Andrews, but please call me Linc. " He said reaching out his hand, my father extended his greeting. Linc then turned to me and shook my hand. He then introduced us to his Beta and Third.

"Thank you Linc, please call me Carl. This is my son and hey Tate. " My father said, waving his hand in my direction. Then continued, "Next to him is Kimber, his Future Luna." Suddenly a scoff was heard behind Linc, "I'm sorry, is something the matter?" My father questioned.

"Oh, nobody's sorry about something being stuck in my throat." Said a familiar voice behind Linc. Turning to the side Linc pulled someone to his side.

"This is my mate, Luna McKenna." He spoke with great pride, smiling down at her.

"McKenna" Kimber shouted, her eyes bulging out of her head. "How did you manage to snag yourself at Alpha?" she said with disbelief. I yanked on Kimber's arm scowling at her and mouthed 'knock it off'. Letting her know that she was being rude.

"Luna." Responded McKenna. "You may call me Luna." Spoken with finality, Kimber looked as though McKenna had slapped her across the face, stunning her to silence. Thank the Moon Goddess, I am not sure if I could have heard her speak another word tonight. I had reached the limit of my tolerance

Turning my attention back to my father and Linc, I heard Linc say "I want my men to bring your things to your rooms. I hope you don't mind Tate, but you and your future Luna will have to have separate bedrooms. It's custom in our pack that unless you're mated you don't share sleeping quarters. "

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