Ch. 51 Elias and Emmerson

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A / N: Yay, Tate is finally meeting the twins! :) 

This chapter is also a bit longer than typical, so hope you enjoy. 

Only a few chapters left and I am leaving you hanging at the end of this chapter. Should have another one posted for you on Thursday!

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Meghan came running in behind the twins, Edison on her hip. "Elijah! Emmerson! I said stop! " When she spotted us, she stopped. "Oh, thank the Goddess!" She huffed out in between breaths. It was funny to see that Meghan was completely oblivious to the tension in the room.

She walked over to Tim and handed Edison to him before plopping down in the chair next to him letting out a long breath. The twins stood bouncing between Tim and I, talking animatedly about everything and nothing at the same time it was hard to understand what they were saying.

"They are completely full of it today!" She starts, "I have NEVER seen them this bad. They have wiped me out! " She dramatically swiped her hand over her forehead for affect, causing me to chuckle. That is one thing that we all adored about Meghan; she was just a genuinely fun person.

"Are you going to live?" I asked her, if I let my eyes drift over to Tate who had yet to take his eyes off of Eli and Emma. They still had not realized he was sitting there with us. Tate was getting a firsthand view of our family, the family that should have been his. I kept glancing at him from the corner of my eye, wishing I knew what he was thinking as I watched happiness, sadness, guilt, and love flash though his eyes.

She nodded her head, "Eventually! You would not believe it. Eddie was in his pack n 'play, so I went to the bathroom really quick. In the two minutes, "holding up two fingers," Two minutes! Elias had gotten a chair, brought it to the door, unlocked the dead bolt and chain and took off to find you. And this time Miss Emma went with him! "

Now it was all making sense, I picked Elias up setting him on the table in front of me, before doing the same with Emmerson. "Did you two run off from Miss Meghan?"

They both looked down at the floor, Eli nodding his head, "Now why did you do that?" Neither one of them spoke, so I asked again. This time Eli decided to fess up. Tate watched on with an amused look on his face, I knew he was now seeing the similarities in his and Eli's personalities.

"Wanted Mommy, missed you." He was now looking me directly in the eye and putting his hands on my shoulders. Emma was giving her best puppy dog ​​eyes and pouty lip. Tim sat chuckling at me, knowing that they had me bested, with the looks on their faces I could not resist them.

I pulled them both into a hug, "I missed you too! But no running off okay. " Damn if they did not steal my heart every time, I looked at them.

"You are such a softy." Tim said, "So much for Mommy being the tough one, huh?" They turned to look at him, "Mommy may forgive you easily, but no dessert tonight. Little boys and girls that run off do not get treats. "

They both looked sad now and chimed together, "Sorry Mommy. Sorry Daddy. " Tim cleared his throat, so they turned to Meghan, "Sorry Miss Meghan." It was all a bit rehearsed, but that's how they were, Eli and Emma were connected on a level that no one could truly understand or appreciate.

"Apology accepted. Just please do not do it again. It scares Miss Meghan when you do something like that. " They nodded to her.

"Hey Meghan, do you think you could take Eddie? We still have some things to clear up here. We will keep the mischief makers. "

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