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Right there in the middle of the restaurant, Gianna leaned on her elbows and told Arryn, "I think we should break up

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Right there in the middle of the restaurant, Gianna leaned on her elbows and told Arryn, "I think we should break up."

Arryn's throat closed off in the same way it had the day her Papi had told her he was moving out and that her parents were getting a divorce. "What was this all about?" She waved her hand around the room, gathering onlookers. "You're breaking up with me in my favorite fucking restaurant. Are you serious, Gia?"

Gianna took a deep breath, clearly exasperated – as if Arryn's reaction was utterly irrational. "I've been offered a position in New York. I'm taking it."

There was bound to be an excellent argument to offer, but for the life of her, her mind drew a complete blank. "Good for you. Go to New York and have a wonderful life—without me."

Gianna rose from her seat, her arms braced in front of her as if she were trying to tame a wild animal ready to strike. Maybe she was. "Wait. Sit, please. This was a hard decision."

"Really," Arryn commented dryly, her hands on her hips. Surrounding tables started to stare, but Arryn really did not have one fuck left to give. "Which part? Taking the job or dumping me?"


Tears burned in her eyes, but she would not allow Gianna to see her fall apart in public. And maybe she deserved this, after all. It was Gianna who told her at the beginning of their relationship that love was a con job, and all that other poetic Tumblr bullshit.

Gianna's eyes wandered to her drink, the flowers, over Arryn's shoulder. "I knew you wouldn't go, and that's why I never brought it up. I care for you, but I can't pass up this deal." Her attention landed back on her again, and she smiled. "If you want, my condo will be available. This is a perfect opportunity for you to get out of that dreadful part of town. I know you think the south side has great lighting," she lifted her fingers into air quotes, "but you shouldn't have to deal with all the drunks from the bars downtown. I'll give you a great price."

"You want me to buy your condo?" Fire burned in the pit of her stomach like she'd swallowed a lump of hot coal. The nerve of her. Then she got control. "That isn't going to happen, but thanks for the generous offer. Now I'm ready to order dessert. You said money was no object, right?"

"Of course, Arryn. I'm glad you're being reasonable." She motioned for the waiter.

Pushing aside her disappointment, Arryn decided payback would taste sweeter than anything she ordered. She beamed up at the server. "I want a slice of Raspberry Charlotte, two dozen Madeleine's, ten profiteroles, three chocolate crêpes, and six pistachio éclairs." She closed the menu and stood. "Oh, I almost forgot. Also, a Floating Island and three bottles of Dom Pérignon Rose 2002. All to go, please."

"Arryn," Gianna chastised, "Are you insane? That's over a grand worth of champagne!"

"Clearly, I must be," she smiled down at her. "For wasting three years of my life on you."

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