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On the day of the wedding, Arryn and her friends arrived at Rhys' just after noon

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On the day of the wedding, Arryn and her friends arrived at Rhys' just after noon. With the groom sequestered at his parents' house, the two helpers had a chance to explore the place, and the bride an opportunity to consider jumping back in the car and living out her life hiding out as a fisherwoman in Alaska. Too cold. She'd have a better shot in Colombia. Maybe she could snag a job at some fancy resort where white people could fawn all over her for speaking English so well. She stared at the back deck, where clusters of orange and white pumpkins, interspersed with yellow, tangerine, and snowy mums bunched along the railing. An archway intertwined with ivy, autumn leaves, and tulle stood at one end. The fall hues of the surrounding trees looked as if God had colored them just for her wedding day.

"Damn, I might marry him to live here," Yennefer said. "This place is beautiful."

"No lie," Darcy said.

Arryn frowned. "Could we please not use the word lie?" Then she walked to the kitchen and gestured to each appliance as if it was a game show prize. "Look at these. Double ovens. I can't believe I'm going to live here."

Darcy wagged her head. "I hate to pour water on your fantasy, but don't get attached to this place. He's made it clear, once his job situation is taken care of, you're outta here."

"Oh, hush." Yennefer shook her finger. "This is her home. Maybe temporary. But if she wants to enjoy it while it lasts, then let her. Stop being Downer Darcy."

"It's okay," Arryn said. "She's right. None of this is mine, and it never will be. Sometimes, for a few seconds, I see the Rhys from Memorial Day before he knew what I'd done, and I think maybe I can get that version back for good. Stupid, huh?"

Yennefer took her hands. "Not at all. I noticed there's only one bed in this house, so I'm assuming you'll be sleeping together. Your relationship began with sex, so start over."

Arryn spread her arms out on each side of her belly. "See this. Not the sexiest shape right now. He won't be interested."

"Are you?"

She raised her eyes toward heaven. "Oh, God. So much."

"Well, you won't know until you try. I say go for it. Besides, who doesn't do the deed on their wedding night?"

"Big fat liars?"

Yennefer bent with laughter. "If I was into women, I'd do you."

Now Arryn laughed. "Good to know."

Darcy raised a critical eyebrow. "You two are nuts. I can't believe you'd even consider doing anything with him after the way he's been acting. I recommend staying as far away from him as possible until this ordeal is over."

Arryn nodded solemnly. "You're probably right. Now, I need to get ready."

At two o'clock, Arryn placed her arm in Papi's, and they strolled to the end of the aisle. When Rhys saw her, his lips parted, as if trying to take a breath. He kept his eyes fixed on her until she stood next to him, and they joined hands. Facing him, the vein below his ear pulsed. She had his attention. Her heart quickened.

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