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Arryn replayed the scene at the grocery store over and over in her head

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Arryn replayed the scene at the grocery store over and over in her head. Gianna's look of anger was so real. Then there was the remark Rhys made in the car about Gia being an idiot. What did he mean? A generalization—or that Gianna was a dimwit for letting Arryn get away? No, he couldn't have meant that. A lying woman wasn't worth keeping—unless you needed her for something.

She fidgeted in her seat, adjusted the seat belt, and tried to stop her leg from jumping. She glanced over at Rhys, his hands gripped firmly on the steering wheel. If he was nervous about meeting her parents, he didn't show it. It made perfect sense. He didn't plan to be in the family long enough for it to matter if they liked him or not.

She occupied her mind by studying the passing scenery. Early November in Georgia was beautiful. Plum and sweet gum trees sported deep red, gold, and orange leaves, rustling in the breeze like layers of a colorful skirt. If he wanted to talk or not, she needed to fill him in. "There are some things you need to know before you meet my parents."


"They divorced when I was sixteen, but still love each other. Neither remarried."

He glanced at her, then put his eyes back on the road. "I don't get it. If they're in love, why not stay together?"

"My mother is difficult."

"You don't get along with her, right?"

"Let's just say our personalities clash."

"Oh, so she's not deceitful?"

Arryn didn't respond. Better to let him condemn her if that's what made him happy. She moved on. "She'll love you. Until she finds out the truth, you'll be the one thing I've done right in my life."

He turned to look at her again, this time holding her gaze longer. For a moment, something flashed in his eyes. It was in those seconds, the real Rhys surfaced. He was still in there, buried under the anger and hurt. If she could hold out long enough, maybe good Rhys would win out over bitter Rhys.

He swung the car into the drive and again came to open the door for his bride. They strode across the lawn, the cool breeze gusting leaves along the ground. Funny how the temperature outside was warmer than inside the car. But a cold heart could freeze everything around it, and she felt the chill.

"Hi Mom!" Arryn shouted as she came through the door. Her mother hurried down the hall. "You're early. I didn't expect you for at least another hour." She hugged her daughter and whispered, "Damn, he's fine," then turned to Rhys. "I'm Leslie. It's so nice to meet you. Please come sit."

"Nice to meet you, too."

She cut her eyes at Arryn. "I'm just so happy she brought you. I wasn't sure she would. She's been so secretive. So tell me about yourself."

He offered his future mother-in-law his best smile. The one that melted Arryn's heart. "Okay. Full name, Emrys Cooper Wakefield, but I go by Rhys. I'm thirty-five. Head of marketing at Rolland Media. Have a twin sister, Accalia, and older brother, Brando."

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