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Arryn stretched, and opened her eyes, stopping the most delicious Rhys dream

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Arryn stretched, and opened her eyes, stopping the most delicious Rhys dream. She whispered a laugh at the alliteration. He was a delicious dream. Yeah... too bad that's all he'd ever be. Glancing at the time, she sat up straight. Three in the afternoon. Good Lord. She'd slept the day away and still didn't feel rested. Flopping back down on the mattress, she stared at the ceiling. By now, he knew she'd left.

No reason to waste any more time on shoulda, woulda, coulda. Forcing herself out of bed, she stumbled into the bathroom.

An hour later, trapped in a web of deceit, she pulled her car to the curb in front of the Majestic Diner. It was nearby, and had a homey atmosphere, plus, the coffee wasn't five bucks. Yellow and white striped awnings framed the windows. They struck a sharp contrast to the box planters overflowing with red geraniums and ivy.

From a corner booth, Yennefer and Darcy waved as Arryn entered. She stopped at the counter to order, then slid in next to her dark-haired friend, who bounced on the bench seat. "We can't wait to hear all about it. Why wouldn't you let us text you? How good is he in the sack?"

Darcy nudged Yennefer, her red curls bouncing with the effort. "Hush, and let her start at the beginning."

The waitress appeared and set a mug on the table. Apparently, she understood they were in the middle of something because she didn't say anything. Arryn nodded her thanks, and the server walked away.

"Well, things didn't go exactly as planned."

Yennefer exchanged a mutual expression of confusion with Darcy, then focused on Arryn. "What do you mean?"

"Devon showed up right on time, and I've got to say he's even hotter in person. His selfie angles really don't do him justice."

"Cut to the chase," Yennefer said. "How does he look naked?"

"I never got a chance to find out."

Her eyebrows knit in confusion. "What? But you spent the weekend with him. Are you saying you didn't get laid?"

"Oh, I did it plenty." Arryn smiled, getting a warm sensation from the memory. "Just not with him."

Both women leaned forward, and Darcy said, "Then who?"

"Oh, my God. You little hoe-bag." Yennefer leaned in a bit more. "Did you go home with some random guy? I don't know what you've done with Arryn, but I approve."

Arryn splayed her hands, palms up for emphasis, and moved them up and down as she explained. "I didn't choose. I had it all planned to a T. All the bartender had to do was tell him his drink was paid for, but the barkeep misunderstood my signal, and gave the drink to his friend."

Yennefer bounced again and clapped her hands. "Holy shit! That was fate stepping in. Girl, I told you. The tarot never fails. You went MIA for three days with him, so he must have been good—and by good, I mean bad—and by bad, I mean goo-ood."

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