Chapter 12

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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3

*Hyrish is like this. Get used to this note, I'm going to put it every chapter.


Random Hybrid/Soulmate Fact

If soulmates never meet, they most likely will never find love.


   After you and Jimin finish your ice cream, you both walk hand and hand back to Jimin's car. Once inside, you snuggle into the seat and begin playing with Jimin's hand.

   "Where are we going now?"

   "I figured we could go back to my dorm and watch a movie or something." You nod and continue playing with Jimin's hand.

   Soon enough, you're pulling up to a massive gated neighborhood. You both drive straight through security and Jimin parks in front of a huge building. Jimin opens the door for you once again and grabs your hand, leading you straight to the building.

   Once inside, you take a little time to marvel over the dorm before you eventually shrug your shoulders and prance to the couch, jumping straight on it. Jimin giggles at you and follows suit and joining you. You immediately scoot over to him and he grabs you, cuddling you. You sigh and relax into his embrace.

   "What do you want to watch baby?" Jimin asks.

   "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!" you scream. Jimin chuckles and turns on the movie.

   An hour or so into the new adaptation of your favorite turtles, a memory flashes through your head that makes you physically cringe.

   "What's wrong?" Jimin asks, concern written clearly on his face.

   "I just remembered something terrible," you sigh.

   "What was it . . ?" Jimin wearily asks. He was afraid that the topic was too sensitive for you.

   "I used to have the biggest crush on Leonardo," you blurt.

   A silence overcomes the both of you, the only sound coming from the action scene going on on the TV.

   ". . . The turtle?"


   More awkward silence.

   "Damn," Jimin laughs. "I never though I'd ever be jealous of a fictional mutant turtle."

   You erupt into a fit of laughter, Jimin soon joining in. Tears well up in your eyes and you kick your legs multiple times into the air.

   "What the hell, Jimin!"

   "I'm sorry, but it's true! I should be the only man in your life, even if the competition is fictional," he says, all residue of laughter gone and instead replaced with seriousness. You stop laughing, too. Jimin grabs your chin and pulls you into a passionate kiss. You wrap your arms around his neck and he pulls you into his lap. His hands travel down your waist and to your butt. He gives it a little squeeze and you gasp, giving him the perfect opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth.

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