Chapter 39

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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3

*Hyrish is like this.


Random Hybrid/Soulmate Fact

If a hybrid is impregnated by another hybrid of a different species, there's a chance that the child will come out as either the mother's species or father's.


   It would be a complete understatement to say that Jimin was scared. No, Jimin was petrified. The fox hybrid opened the small box and stared at the content inside before closing it and stuffing it into his pocket.

   Was it too soon? Probably. But, Jimin knew for sure that he wanted to spend the rest of his life and even after that with you.

   So, why not make it official?

   Jimin sighs and exits the room he shares with you and goes into the kitchen, where you were eating a ramen cup while scrolling through the YouTube account he and you had made. The Hybrid Only content was a hit, which made you and Jimin happy. Jimin still got to do the things he loves, he still made bank from doing it, and he was free from all of the pointless rules of companies.

   Life was great.

   "Hey baby, do you want to go to the beach today?" Jimin asks nervously, scratching the back of his head.

   "The beach?" you question, looking up from your phone.

   "Y-Yeah." Jimin avoids eye contact.

   "Okay!" You grin and hop off the stool you were sitting on. "Let's go now!" Jimin nods and you both speed away to get ready.

   Once you both were changed into your special shifting swimming suits, you grabbed all of the things that you would need for the beach. Jimin called an Uber.

   "Y/N! They're here!" Jimin called after some time.

   "Okay! I'm coming!" you replied.

   The ride there was oddly silent. You noticed that Jimin was pretty fidgety about something, but you decided not to comment on it. If it was important, he'd tell you.

   Soon enough, you both arrived at a pretty secluded part of the beach. There were still a few people around, but you both honestly couldn't care less. After all, you both were free!

   You and Jimin walked to a nice spot on the beach and set your stuff down.

   "Race ya to the beach!" you yell excitedly. Jimin groans and pouts.

   "Yah, that's not even fair!" He crosses his arms.

   "I'll give you a head start," you smirk. Jimin rolls his eyes and jumps, shifts midair, and takes off running towards the water. You laugh maniacally before shifting and running after him.

   Jimin peaks behind himself and jumps five feet into the air and yelps loudly when he sees how fast you were barreling towards him and how close you were. His fear makes you run even faster until you were right on his tail. Jimin shifts back into his hybrid form and throws sand at you, causing you to topple and for him to win.

   Jimin cheers and jumps around happily while you shift into your hybrid form and pout. It wasn't fair! He cheated!

   "Baby, look! I won," Jimin laughs.

   "You cheated, you sly fox!" you hiss.

   "There were never any rules about sabotage!" 

   "There shouldn't have to be! That should be automatic!"

His Cheetah | Soulmate/Hybrid | Jimin x Reader✔Where stories live. Discover now