Chapter 23

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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3

Also, sorry for the late chapter, but this chapter took me ages to write. I write all of my rough drafts on paper and then transfer them to my laptop, so it took me half of Wednesday, all of Thursday, and all of Friday to write it. So, here ya go!

*Hyrish is like this.

**Warning: Big use of profanity.


Random Hybrid/Soulmate Fact

If a hybrid mate is sad or depressed or angry, their hybrid partner can change hybrid species to help comfort their partner.


   At last, it was the day before BTS's world tour. You didn't know if you should feel excited that you'd get to travel the world with you soulmate and favorite band or sad that you wouldn't be able to see your best friend for several months. You didn't have to quit you job, thank God, but you had to use your sacred vacation days.

   Jimin had already come to collect your luggage early, early in the morning, so all you needed to do was bring your carry-on bag the next day. Also so you didn't have to worry about forgetting anything.

   While you're still in Seoul, you wanted to spend all the time that you could with Suho, so currently you and Suho were playing in your animal forms. You weren't sure when the next time you'd be able to shift into your animal form, due to the fact that you'd be around a crap ton of humans, so you wanted to get in all the time that you could.

   So, you and Suho played and you played hard. You piled up all of the furniture to the walls and ran around, playing hours of tag (of course, you won every single game). You both played cat and mouse (you were the cat, obviously), and played hide and seek all the way up to where the both of you were completely exhausted and fell into a deep (but not really) sleep.

??? POV

   He got them.

   He got the pictures.

   He had followed Park Jimin everywhere he went and caught he and his soulmate releasing their animal ears and tail. He watched them sprout and grow, he watched them wiggle and wag. He witnessed their canine's elongate and sharpen; inhuman sounds producing from their mouths. He saw it all.

   And he couldn't believe his eyes.

   Jungkook was right? The man didn't actually think Jimin was a hybrid, let alone catching him in the act. He really would get payed.

   The man smiled to himself. He could make a shit ton of money with his newly made photograph. Probably even more than whatever Jungkook planned to give him, but Jungkook is a rich man, and he couldn't afford losing him as a valuable customer. So he'd just have to surrender the picture over to his employer.

   The man grabs an envelope from under his desk and addresses it to Jungkook before slipping the photograph into it. Once it's sealed shut, the man throws on black clothes, a black beanie, and (you guessed it) a black face mask. He walks to his black Mustang with a skip in his step and drives happily to his destination.

   The Bangtan dorm.

Jimin's POV

   Jimin was tired, cold, and hungry. However, he could only fix two of those things: his coldness and hunger. So, the fox gathered his clothes and stalked over to his bathroom. Jimin shed his clothes, unleashed his animal features, and hopped in a much awaited shower. He stood underneath the warm water and let the water cascade down his ears, hair, his face, and finally his body. The fox's ear twitched when a droplet of water found its way on the inside of his ear, causing his whole body to give an involuntary shudder. It was really uncomfortable.

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