Chapter 31

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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3

*Hyrish is like this.

*F/N= Friend's Name.


Random Hybrid/Soulmate Fact

If soulmates are from different countries and don't share a common language then, well, they're screwed.


   A couple of weeks later, you and BTS find yourselves in Texas. You, being the intellectual that you are, convinced the boy's driver to drive you all to your old college. The boys had already performed in Dallas, so it was a small detour to get to College Station, but oh well. Suho decided to stay back with Jamie for awhile and get to know her, but would ultimately move back with Suho to Korea when they were ready.

   Currently, you were in the very back seat in between Taehyung and Jimin, bouncing up and down uncontrollably. Your nerves were skyrocketing through the roof. What if you ran into people you knew? Yeah, they all knew your secret now. But like, you just didn't feel like seeing and or talking to them.

   "Baby, you good?" Jimin asks, placing his hand on your thigh.

   "Yeah, just a little anxious."


   "There's a chance that we might run into people that I used to know."

   "If we do, we'll just ignore them. And if they're mean, we can tell them off."

   "Okay," you laugh.

   "Around thirty minutes later, the first of the A&M buildings started to emerge. All of Bangtan look out of the windows in complete and utter awe.

   "Do you guys want a tour?" you ask once the van finally reaches a stop. The boys nod fantically. You laugh.

   "Let's go!"

   So, you gave them a tour. You showed them all of the buildings that you studied computer science out of and foreign languages. All of the boys just looked around wondrously. They got weird looks from passerby citizens, but all they did was ignore them. After all, they were used to it.

   You didn't run into anyone you knew while touring the campus, which was great. An encounter with one of them would've been. . . interesting.

   But, you never will truly get what you want, will you?

   "Y/N! We're hungry, can we go to a cafe or something to get something to eat?" Jin suddenly asks while you guys were in front of the dorms.

   "Yeah! There's this cute little cafe right outside of the campus, let's go there." The guys agree and continue trailing behind you (Jimin walking with you hand and hand) all the way to the cafe.

   You push open the glass cafe doors and listen to the satisfying jingle of the bells with a sigh. You had missed this place. Since the last time you had visited, the staff had been changed and you were met with new faces. The very nice employees took the eight of you to a nice table in the back of the cafe and quickly took your orders with a smile on their faces.

   "So, what'd you guys thing of my university?" you ask once you all received your beverages.

   "It's nice! Makes me wish I could go here," Namjoon answers. You and Jimin give him a death glare and he shrinks down into his seat.

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