Chapter 14

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New chapter!!! Enjoy~~<3

*Hyrish is like this.


Random Hybrid/Soulmate Fact

Soulmates don't have to love each other, but they usually 9 times out of 10 do anyway.


   Two days later, you and Suho were sitting in the tech store. Nobody was inside besides the two of you, so you both decided to watch funny BTS compilations. You and Suho were underneath a blanket in the back of the counter and each had one AirPod in your ear. Lunch was just around the corner and usually you didn't have any customers until after lunch, so you and Suho had taken the time to set up a pillow fort behind the counter. Those rare times when the manager or the boss actually came to work, you'd take it down and hide the pillows and blankets in the employee lounge. Why you didn't make the fort in the lounge in the first place is a mystery.

   Anyway, you and Suho were watching a try not to laugh BTS edition. You had to put your fist into your mouth to keep from breaking while Suho held your other hand and squeezed it as hard as he could.

   You were so caught up into the video that you didn't even acknowledge the second heartbeat entering your chest.

   Jimin walked into the tech store with a skip in his step. His manager had given them an hour lunch break and Jimin planned on spending it with his soulmate. Once Jimin was fully inside, he looked around for his girlfriend. He knew she was there because he could feel her heartbeat. But where was she?


   Jimin's head snapped over to the sound. Nothing. He moved closer to the front counter and looked over the counter. There, lying underneath a pillow fort, lay his soulmate and her best friend. They each had a single AirPod in their ear and they were watching. . .


   Jimin's face immediately turned red when he saw the embarrassing video that Y/N and Suho were watching. Why did they even exist? With Jimin's fox hearing, Jimin could hear every word being said in the videos.

   "Jimin . . ." Jimin groaned and placed his head in his hands.

   "You got no jams."

   You and Suho burst into laughter. Suho grabbed his stomach as if he was in pain. Tears streamed out of both of their eyes as Suho replayed the clip over and over again.

   Jimin eventually got annoyed and jumped over the counter and bent down right behind them.

   "What are you guys watching?" he whispered huskily.

   "REEEEEEEE!" you and Suho screech. You jump over Suho and push him onto Jimin before you make a run for it to the employees only room.

   "Karma's a bitch!" you called over your shoulder before you slammed and locked the door.

   Suho jumped off of Jimin and scrambled backwards.

   "J-Jimin? W-What are you doing here?" Suho gives him an awkward smile.

   "I came to take my girlfriend to lunch, but then I saw you guys watching that . . . pleasant . . . clip," Jimin fake smiles.

   Suho gulps. "You saw us watching that?"

   "And heard, yeah."

   Suho laughs awkwardly and scratches the back of his head.

His Cheetah | Soulmate/Hybrid | Jimin x Reader✔Where stories live. Discover now