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Opening up to someone was indeed a hard thing to do. You are not sure whether they'll understand you and accept you. You are not sure whether they'll judge you or they'll support you on coping. 

Chenle adores Jisung for opening up in him. It was hard to open up and tell all the pain that he was feeling to the older. The lad who speaks a word or two now speaks a hundred words to open up in him.

Jisung was grateful that Chenle understood him.

He was really close to his father, that's why he instantly blamed himself for his death. He always thought that it was his fault, that it was because of his noisiness.

Chenle explained to him that it was never his fault and it will never be his fault. Chenle told him that everything happens for a reason. That there was a reason why God took one of the most important people in his life, the only person he looked up to.

Jisung just nodded at everything Chenle says. He believed everything that the older says to him. Though he still couldn't convince himself that it's not his fault, but he'll go there someday soon.

Jisung trusts Chenle. Chenle was the first person in this university that approached him. that kept on approaching him, even though how much he pushed the older away. Chenle would always come back at him and still tried to be friends with him. Chenle was the only person he knows that didn't judge him until now.

Chenle always looked at the brighter side. And he admires the older because of that.

It was hard for him to look at the brighter and positive side of the world because he knows that he's at the dark side of it. He's in the shadows of his fears.

After his father's death, Jisung was homeschooled. He was homeschooled until his last year of high school. During those years, his Mom also sends him to psychologists and psychiatrists for any kind of treatment— to cure his trauma and for him to face his fears. But those treatments never helped him to get better. The medicines he took regularly only help him to calm down, and whenever he breaks down he had to take another pill again. They never cured him. He was never okay.

It took his Mom almost a year to convinced him to study at a university, to open himself to people and socialize. He agreed. His doctor also suggested that it's good for him to go outside because it can help him.

He thought at first that it was a bad idea. The very moment he stepped outside his mother's car in front of their university, he already wanted to go home, but he forced himself to go inside for himself and for his mother also.

The moment he entered the classroom and took a seat. He was giddy. He was fidgeting under the desk. His hands were shaking. Especially when the professor entered and that he had to introduce himself in front of the people he didn't know.

He remembered himself stuttering on that day.

He could feel every pair of eyes looking at him and it killed him inside.

Those judgemental eyes by people he didn't know. He felt like everyone was laughing at him and judging him.

Gladly, that day, Chenle approached him.

He's too nervous and his mind went blank when Chenle talked to him. His instinct told him to say "No," and that's what he did.

He couldn't believe that Chenle still approached him after that day. That Chenle still wanted to be friends with him.

He tried to be friends with Chenle's other friends but he couldn't get himself to talk. He just listened to them. And he was glad that Jaemin, Jeno, Donghyuck, Renjun, and Yangyang didn't push him away. He never felt out of place when he's with them, even though he didn't talk, they would always include him in their conversation.

His doctor was right. Having a friend would help him cope up with his trauma.

Not that instant but slowly. He'll cope up slowly with the help of Chenle.

After Jisung opened up in him, Chenle felt closer to him. He's happy that Jisung trusted him enough. Even though the younger still speaks a word or two since that day and the younger still rejects his affections sometimes— he finally understood why the Jisung's like that.

"Aye, Chenle, why did you only treat Jisung?" Jaemin asked, sounded jealous. "That's unfair."

"Babe, stop acting like I didn't treat you lunch," said Jeno to his lover who's acting like a kid.

Chenle just chuckled from the cuteness of the couple meanwhile Yangyang and Renjun almost puke because of their sweetness.

"I suddenly miss my idiot boyfriend," said Donghyuck.

"Thank you," said Jisung to Chenle with a small smile on his face when the older placed the burger in front of him.

"Always welcome," replied Chenle.

Jisung tried not to smile as he eats his burger happily.

Chenle just kept on smiling while looking at the younger eating peacefully.

"So, how's your dance practice?" Yangyang asked them. "I can't believe y'all left me."

Chenle's partner was Jisung, Jeno and Jaemin are obviously the other pair, and Renjun is paired to Donghyuck— while Yangyang is paired to their female classmate named Hina.

"Don't be dramatic. It doesn't suit you," Donghyuck teased Chenle.

"Then stop being a bitch, it doesn't suit you," replied Yangyang.

Renjun just rolled his eyes because of the two's bickering, "Can you two stop acting like a child just for once."

"No!" Yangyang and Donghyuck said in unison.

Chenle just shook his head because of the three's savageness.

After their lunch, the seven of them parted ways. Though Chenle would go with Jisung because they have to practice for their dance.

When they reached Jisung's house, Jisung's mother welcomed him.

Jisung's house has a studio inside. Chenle found out that Jisung likes dancing and he stopped for a while when his father died.

And he's now using the dance practice room and dancing. That's an improvement.

Throughout the practice, Jisung always help Chenle on the dance. It was Chenle who suggested the music and the choreography but the younger was the one who mastered it in a short period of time. Even though they will only dance the chorus part of the song, Chenle still finds it difficult.

After a good three hours of dancing, they finally took a rest.

"I'll just go to the kitchen and get a snack for us,"   Chenle excused himself to Jisung, and the younger just nodded at him while still looking at his phone— watching the choreography video of Ncity Reality.

When Chenle reached the kitchen, he immediately saw Jisung's mom.

"Are you done now?" Jisung's mom asked with a soft voice.

Chenle shook his head, "We're just taking a break, auntie."

"Hm, hm, alright... Take and eat this," Jisung's mom handed him a tray with two clubhouse sandwich and two glasses of mango juice. "You can come back here if you two want more."

"Thank you, auntie."

"And Chenle, I just wanna say thank you to you," said Jisung's mother with a soft smile plastered on her face. "You are Jisung's first friend. I'm glad that he has you. Thank you for being friends with my son."

"No need to thank me, auntie. I'm here because I genuinely want to be his friend," replied Chenle.

"That's why I'm even more thankful because you understand him and you're here for him," said Jisung's mom as she pets Chenle's head.

Chenle smiled widely. Jisung was lucky to have her as his mom.

Now, Jisung doesn't only have his mom but Chenle also. Jisung now had two people who genuinely cares and understands him.

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