This is not a game

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My mum had sensed something was wrong the moment we both came out to the garden and although Grayson looked calmer I knew I was still bubbling with anger.

Mum was looking after the kids tonight anyway because of the fight so she took them back to hers and out of the way which I was very grateful for.

I made Grayson and I a smoothie and we sat at the kitchen table waiting for our visitor. I needed to occupy my brain so that I didn't burst with what Grayson called 'Mads rage' .

"Grayson it's going to be okay? You know that right?" I couldn't help but ask nervously chewing on the metal straw until it hurt my lips.

"Between us? Yeh I know baby. I was being an idiot and not thinking straight. I let my own brother get in my head" Grayson assured me with a soft smile that made me melt. I leant my head against his arm and he moved it, wrapping it around my back and pulling me sideways across his lap.

"This mess is my fault but I can't help but be so mad at Hunter. Why is he making things so difficult??" I sighed snuggling into Grayson's muscular chest.

"That's simple Mads. He loves you. I wouldn't want to give up on you either so I get it. Its just I should have realised what he was doing. Truth is he's hurting and I don't think he knows how to get through that" my sweet caring husband didn't seem mad at his brother for creating fears in his head but he seemed to feel sorry for him, like he understood his behaviour some how.

"You are just too caring for your own good sometimes" I kissed his cheek and gently stroked my hand over his face. 

"That's why I have you to kick ass baby. That's why we are the perfect team" he joked kissing my neck whilst taking a huge sip of his smoothie then cheekily resting the ice cold glass against my stomach making me wriggle. Grayson's arms held me tight though so I was unable to escape.

"Grayson you dick that was freezing" I squealed loudly

"You're welcome. Thought you needed cooling down abit. All that anger has got you looking abit hot" was he winding me up right now. Of course I was angry.

"And your not angry? Not even abit?" I cocked my eyebrows at his cool demeanour.

"Yeh but I'm not as red as a tomato from it" it was good to hear his laugh even if it was at my expense. That was a small price to pay for seeing him happier.

"I love you"

"I love you more" Grayson said running his nose along my neck until he found the spot just between my neck and shoulder which makes me shudder if he... fuck... nibbled down on it then sucked at the tender skin.

"Tease" I scowled narrowing my eyes at him trying to act cool as a wave of need flowed through me.
I pressed my lips tightly together hoping to suppress the whimper that wanted to escape my mouth.

Grayson's response was to lean in to me and lick his lips in what I hoped would lead to a passion filled kiss. But just as our lips brushed against each other the doorbell rang loudly echoing through the house.

I let out the loudest huff of annoyance as I untangled myself from Grayson who was just smirking at me knowing how much of a state he'd worked me into and with so little effort.

God I was so easy when it came to him, he knew every place to touch me that would ignite a fire deep within me. Don't get me wrong I loved that he knew me so well but did he really have to be so cocky about it? But he was smiling, he looked relaxed and that right now that was amazing to me. Even if him teasing me had made him so content.

I stomped to the front door and swung it open knowing exactly who it would be standing on the opposite side. I was still trying to work out exactly how to deal with this situation so I just threw my arm out towards the kitchen in a gesture to come in.

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