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Enter Player Name: Noah

Today was a clusterfuck.

After my conversation with my mother injected me with an overdose of confidence, I strutted into my investment meeting like an indestructible force. Apparently, the investors didn't share in my eagerness and laughed in my face, instantly rejecting my business plan.

As they had put it: "The business is too risky, and we would be delusional to invest in it."

I elected to walk home and pick up my car another day, employing the long thread to mull over my bad luck. I rubbed my forehead, easing the looming headache. I knew my plan was solid, and if I just had the money I could execute it; my mother would have told me otherwise. But, money. Money. Money. The key to everything. Perhaps I was in over my head.

I kicked a can out of my way.

The metal jar bounced off the edge of a building and rolled into an alleyway. Coffee tables scattered throughout the narrow space and just a little ahead, a metal staircase led up to a barely lit bar. The tavern was a real hole in the wall, perfect for taking the edge off the day. I tugged my tie loose and made my way up the side stairs.

A gentle blue light filled the interior of the small space, illuminating the few people that gathered around the bar. Presumably locals by their casual wear. To the far right, two sultry ladies eyed me. One, a redhead wearing a simple jeans and t-shirt combo. The other, a tall blonde wearing ripped jeans and a corset that barely prevented her large tits from popping loose.

Perhaps my luck was about to turn.

I unbuttoned my vest and loosened my tie, letting my shirt collar hang loose around my neck, enough to let my pecs peek through. I ruffled my hair, obtaining that straight out of bed look I knew would drive them crazy. With a smirk on my face, I walked to the bar and picked up three drinks. I strode in long, deliberate steps over to the two women. Their chins tilted up and their chest rose as I approached.

I lowered my voice, "They say fate takes us where we should be. With that in mind, would you ladies like a drink?"

They chuckled under their hands. "You don't even know what we like," the blond said, gazing at me through her eyelashes.

I leaned in close and whispered into her ear, "Oh, I think I have a good idea of what you like." I pulled back and winked, causing her to shift on her feet. I continued, "So love, why don't you tell me your name?"

It wasn't long before the blonde rubbed her generous breasts against—


The infamous computer-murderer Riley, destroyer of all that is good, and ruler of the underworld, waltzed into the bar from the balcony. I should warn the bartender to hide all the glasses.

Riley The Destroyer wore a loose, light green blouse tucked tight into her figure-hugging, black pencil skirt. Her legs stretched longer in those black heels as she slightly swayed against the wooden counter. She smacked her index finger in the air at the bartender and ordered a drink, probably the blood of children.

I could imagine her laughing in joy as she savored in the suffe—

Tears began streaming down Riley's rosy cheeks. She bit into her lip as if holding back a scream. The low light of the bar swallowed her small form, wrapping her in darkness. My heart tightened uncomfortably. I almost immediately stormed my way over immediately to demand if she was okay. If she needed help.

Riley stared blankly at me. She blinked, and her eyes widened with recognition. Her gaze cast to the floor, hidden behind the strands of her chocolate hair. She turned away and pretended she never saw my questioning gaze.

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