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Enter Player Name: Riley

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I banged my fist against the dull green door for the third time. I waited, shifting on my feet, tapping an impatient rhythm. Adrenaline pricked my nerves like a liter of black coffee pumped through my veins, making it impossible to stay still.

Once I received Noah's text, I scrambled out of bed, threw some clothes on, and crashed my way over to hear about the meeting with his father. I may or may not have broken a lamp on the way. Pinning a trip to IKEA.

My sandals could not contain my toes.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

A dark cloud loomed over my excitement.

I looked over my shoulder, expecting the devil to rain down on my parade. But the text did not immediately say, 'sorry Riley, he can't help.' Butterflies swarmed in my stomach, filling me with hope and a need to puke. Hope had that effect. Every time, I told myself; Don't be a fool. The odds are never in my favor. If I were Katniss Everdeen, there would be no pretty boy with a fetish for bread or masses lining up behind me. But what was the point of moving forward? If not for myself, at least for my brothers, I would stomach the nauseating feeling of hope.

"Knock! Kno—"

"Jesus, what's the hurry?" Noah growled from the other side like a bear woken from hibernation.

It all happened in slow motion—the door opening. Noah's barely covered body glistened, dripping wet from a shower. His annoyed expression transformed into a sly smile when his green eyes met mine. Drops of water dipped from his dark, lengthened soft curls and slid down his well-toned body, tracing the ridges of his abs and disappearing down his dangerously low hanging towel.

I saw it all. Every muscle in my body tensed as my brain screamed for my hand to stop. My knuckles collided against Noah's skin.

"Umm." I gulped. My hand snapped to my side, burned by his hot skin. The vibrations of the impact made his chest rumble. My gaze remained glued on him, like a bee stuck on honey, as it rose and fell, guiding the water down the crevice of his pecs.

"My eyes are up here, Riley." My name rolled off the tip of his tongue, teasing my ears.

"Phhsuuii," — I retorted — "I know how bodies work, Noaaah. I took anatomy." Were those words a stroke of genius or a manifestation of a short-circuiting brain? I quickly assured myself it was the former.

"Did you now?" Noah asked, right eyebrow arched high. He crossed his arms over his chest, making his muscles more pronounced, and assumed position for a battle of wits.

"You said you wanted to talk?" I cut that conversation from its stem. I couldn't let the heavenly sight before me distract me from what was important— my parents.

The more time I spent with Noah, the more I realized he was a total flirt. A good one too. It would be easy to get caught up in those brilliant green eyes and teasing smirks. I'll have to imagine him in granny underpants for the rest of my life.

"Yes. Why don't you come in? I'll put on some clothes, and then we can chat?" He stepped to the side and extended his hand, offering me the right of way.


The soles of my slippers clacked against the floor as we walked into the apartment. Once inside, he closed the door, and we made our way through a small archway. There, all his shoes, most of which were business casual, were neatly stacked on a rack. The small innerspace led to the center of his apartment, where a couch sat.

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