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Enter Player Name: Noah

Her smile was tantalizing. Impossible to ignore. And even harder to resist.

The corners of her lips curved up ever so gently — bright red from the cherry and rum drink resting leisurely in her hands. Her cheeks and nose tinted peach like a flowering rose. She might as well have been one.

Unaware of my watchful gaze, Riley's melted pools of chocolate followed Mikey's joyous sugar-infused form. Her face radiated, enthralled to see the little guy running around the arcade. I, myself, was content to immerse in the luminous joy of her smile.

Riley was a gem. Weaker people would crumble in her situation, but that was the thing. Crumbling was not an option for her. Only moving forward. In the midst of her life, she radiated. She laughed and cried, and even when sadness tried to overtake her, she held herself together for her brothers.

How could anyone not be captivated?

Riley's big hazel eyes fluttered to me. "What are you looking at?"

"Just a little jealous of your drink," I said, tapping the rim of her glass.

It was not entirely a lie.

Riley's lips engraved themselves in my memory. Their softness and flavor plagued my thoughts. It was far worse at night, when my mind had free creative freedom. Even now, the ridiculous notion of how great it would be to be the straw against her lips crossed my mind.

"Want some?" Riley asked. Her brown hair cascaded over her bare shoulders as she pushed her drink towards me, encasing her body in a heart shape.

I slid a finger along the length of her wrist, beckoning her hand closer. Her skin was cold under my touch, frozen by the ice that swirled in the cocktail. I wrapped my fingers around hers and her fingertips warmed as my heat coated them. I captured the thin blue straw within my mouth.

Riley's lips parted.

The hot rum burned like wildfire down my throat. I kept my gaze locked, watching her rosy cheeks flare crimson red. God that color looked lovely on her. A chuckle rumbled down my chest. The vibrations resonated up her arm and spread throughout her luscious body, caressing every inch of her skin.

She squirmed, rubbing her legs together.

I held back a grunt of approval. My voice deepened. "Thank you," I whispered, releasing her hand. I cleansed my mouth with a sip of water and thanked the cold liquid for soothing my dry throat.

"SIS! SIS!" Mikey's childish voice grew louder as he ran towards us. "Why is your face so red?" He hopped in front of Riley to get a better look.

I choked, coughing droplets of water into the back of my hand. Riley's embarrassed gaze cut through me, forcing my blatant enjoyment at her floundering deep into my chest. The devilish voice inside my head tempted me to sneak my finger over that friendship line between us, and god did I want to take a bite out of that forbidden apple, but I bit my tongue down instead.

Riley fanned herself. "Nothing, it's just hot in here."

"It sure is." I winked, earning myself a delicious glare.

"Kay." Mikey wholeheartedly accepted her answer. "Can you play with me?" He swayed back and forth, buttering her with a wide, toothless grin.

Riley jolted from the chair and assumed the wonder woman pose. Wonky smile on her face, she chanted,"Of course!"

Mikey seized her outstretched hand and dragged her across the arcade to the white and blue air hockey table. She walked hastily, causing her hips to rock suggestively. That damn dress, it did not do my developing problem any favors. It wrapped tightly around her, outlining every single curve of her body. Not to mention that low cut front. It took a will of steel to not steal an obvious glance.

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