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Enter Player Name: Riley

I yawned against Noah's chest. The way his fingertips slid up and down my back, just barely touching it, made it hard not to want to close my eyes.

Noah had wanted to take me out on a date today. As he put it, 'our first day out of the booty call zone demanded a special night out.' Sadly, I had to spend my afternoon helping Mikey with homework. So, when Noah asked me to come over after Mikey had gone to bed, I was surprised to be met with a candle-light dinner. God, the man could cook.

After dinner, we decided to 'watch' a movie. It was safe to say we didn't do much watching.

"How long will you be able to stay tonight?" Noah asked as he fixed the blanket, making sure to put it over my bare shoulders.

"I could probably stay for another hour if you want to try actually watching that movie this time," I answered. The movie was currently paused at the halfway point.

"You were the one that got all handsy." He smirked down at me, a smug smile adorned his face.

"As if your eyes weren't eating me up," I said while reaching for the remote. Once I hit play, I put it back on the table before returning to Noah's arm.

He cleared his throat, sending vibrations down his chest as he readied to speak. "I did actually want to talk to you about something."

"What about?" I asked, half paying attention to him and half trying to remember what this movie was about—something about a girl trying to find her husband's killer.

"So, I met with my mother this morning." The nervousness in his voice put me on edge.

I stare at him, warily, "okayyy...and?"

"She wants to meet you. Properly this time."

"Ummmm..." I muttered while I tried to process his words.

"So she wants you and your brothers to come over for Thanksgiving dinner and spend the weekend over. That way, she can get to know you guys better." He rubbed the back of his neck nervously as he spoke.

"I don't think that is a good idea." I pulled away from his chest. "No offense, Noah, but your mom was very rude. I understand why, but I still don't want that near my brother."

"It will be different, I promise. I spoke with her and explained things. She was far more understanding after she had time to calm down. But, she is still worried. I think meeting you and your brothers will settle her concerns."

"It is also just too soon and stressful, Noah. We just started officially dating yesterday."

Tense lines formed on his forehead. "I know, but my mom means a lot to me. I don't want there to be bad blood between you and her." He threw me a puppy look. And with those damn green eyes. "I would like this to clear up sooner rather than later."

I signed in defeat. This was clearly important. The times he had spoken about his mom came to mind. She sounded like quite an extraordinary woman. So, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

"Fine." I reluctantly agreed.

"On the bright side. My dad will be there, maybe you can use that as an opportunity to talk to him?"

"Yes. You are right. I'm still dreading your mom, though. God, I need a drink." I grunted as I buried my face into his chest. I could feel my stomach and chest constricting uncomfortably.

"I think you have an alcohol problem, Cream Puff."


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