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British historian C

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British historian C. Northcote Parkinson said, "Delay is the deadliest form of denial."



Based in Quantico, Virginia, the Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) is a subsection of the FBI. Called in by local police departments to assist in solving crimes of a serial and/or extremely violent nature where the perpetrator is unknown (referred to by the Unit as the unknown subject or unsub for short), the BAU uses the controversial scientific art of profiling to track and apprehend the unsub.

Profiling entails coming up with basic characteristics of the unsub and the victims (referred to as the victimology), using evidence from the case and matching that information to historic precedents and psychological analyses as a means to solve the case.

Because of the nature of the work conducted by the BAU - the work being time-consuming and psychologically demanding - its members are fiercely loyal to the Unit and to its other members. Also because of the work's overall demanding nature, not many members of the BAU have been able to maintain a happy or stable family life.


"Vanessa Holden, age 25," Jennifer Jareau states, walking into the meeting room that holds the six other members of the BAU and Sparrow Reid, "Last Friday night she was clubbing with her sister. A stranger, a white male, roughly her age, picked her up. They left the club at roughly 1 in the morning."

The case files where passed around the table, Sparrow sat perched on Spencer's lap with a cup of coffee in her hand while her brother flipped open the file he was given, both immediately groaned at the pictures inside.

"Do we always have to see such graphic displays of... that?" Sparrow whines, chugging the rest of the coffee before Aaron Hotchner could take it away from her. Technically she was not supposed to be drinking coffee.

"Sparrow," The warning in his voice was light but noticeable, she was supposed to be on her best behavior, which meant no complaining or setting things on fire, "JJ, please continue."

"Vanessa and the male went back to her place, where she was forced onto her hands and knees before he cut her open just below her stomach."

"Woah," Derek Morgan says, his eyes widening slightly as they all flip to the second picture, "Gotta say, that is really intense."

"The gutting caused her intestines to spill out," Spencer says, tilting his head to exam the picture closer.

"But you can survive hours or even a few days with a wound like that," Sparrow mumbles ignoring the picture and flipping through the autopsy report that had been submitted.

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