Chapter 2

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~The Past History~

King RJ, the most handsome man on the land, had three sons and only one daughter, princess YN. She was the most dear to him. The princess also loved her father the most.

The king was very polite and calm in nature. He liked to study a lot. He invented another type of alphabet called Hangul. Which would be written in history.

The army general, Daechwita was very ambitious and in love with the princess. But when he sent a marriage proposal, he was rejected. He felt humiliated and cooked up a conspiracy to usurp the throne and marry the princess.

He started bribing the army and soon made them on his side to commit treason. Finally one day, he attacked the palace with his army. The king and the princes were not ready for the attack. So, all of them were killed and the princess was captured. He desired to marry the princess forcefully.

With the help of a maid the princess managed to escape. But soon General Daechwita's men found her. They chased after her until she reached a cliff. Her beloved father and all the other royals were killed. So, what was the point of living! So she jumped off the cliff.

~The present~

The strange girl was now scared of the four men and told them to stay away. The four of them were confused of the girl's behavior.

"Do we look that scary!! Why are you so afraid? We are the ones who saved you!" Said Jungkook.

"You guys saved me! But how! I jumped off a cliff, I'm supposed to be dead!" The girl exclaimed.

"Oh really! I don't think so. If you jumped off a cliff then you'd be dead by now or at least you'd have some broken bones!" said Jimin.

The girl was now very much confused. She didn't understand what was happening to her. The last thing she remembered was when she was being chased by General Daechwita's army.

"Do you know anything about the condition in the palace! Have King RJ been buried already! What have they done to his body!" Asked the girl being desperate.

"King RJ? I think I read about him in history. But he died hundreds of years ago! Why are you asking about him, ha!" Asked Hoseok putting his hand on his chin.

"Hundreds of years ago! How is that possible! What year is it now?" She asked again.

"Oh, it's 2020! I also forget it sometimes. Hehe!" Taehyung replied with a boxy smile.

"It's not possible! I must be dreaming!" She said with a shocked face.

"No you're not dreaming. You're completely awake. Let me prove it to you!" With that said, Taehyung went near her and pinched her arm. At that she left a shriek and slapped Taehyung.

"How dare you touch a princess!" She screamed.

"Did she hit her head or something!" Jimin whispered. Then Jungkook whispered back to him, "I think she's crazy. Maybe she fled from a mental hospital."

Suddenly the girl started crying. She realized that she wasn't dreaming and she wasn't in her time period either. Somehow she leaped through the time and came to the year 2020. So the legend about the cliff was true afterall!

"Don't cry please! Did I hurt you when I pinched? I'm sorry," Taehyung apologized while massaging his cheek on which she slapped him. But the girl kept crying incessantly.

"What is your name by the way?" Asked Jungkook.

"I'm princess YN, daughter of king RJ," she replied while sobbing.

Jimin and Hoseok burst out laughing hearing the word princess again. But Jungkook gave them a death glare and they stopped.

"So, YN! Here, take this phone and call any of your parents or relatives," Jungkook said as he extended his hand to give her the phone.

"They're all dead! And what is a p-phone?" She asked as she looked eagerly at the strange object, called cell phone.

"Is it a hidden camera prank or something! You don't know what a phone is! Whatever! At least tell us your address. We can drop you at your home," Jungkook offered.

YN looked at him with curious eyes and said, "I don't understand half of your sentence. And I don't have a home anymore. They attacked the palace an-and....!" She stopped mid sentence and started sobbing again. Now her nose and cheeks were all red due to crying.

"Don't worry, YNssi! We will help you," said Taehyung, being sympathetic.

Jungkook pulled Taehyung near him by his hoodie and all four of them made a circle to discuss the matter.

Jungkook: I bet she's a con artist or a mental patient. We should take her to the police station.

Jimin: Is it necessary! She's so cute!

Hoseok: She doesn't look like a con artist to me. But she's a little bit crazy I guess.

Taehyung: You guys are so heartless! Can't you see how much she's crying! We should help her. She doesn't even have a home!

Jungkook: You're kidding me right! She doesn't have a home but she's wearing an expensive dress. How can you trust her!!

Taehyung: Please, Jungkooka! What if she's telling the truth! It's not like we possess expensive things! Even if she's a thief what's she gonna steal from us!

Jungkook: Okay, okay! Don't make me the bad guy. Now, how are you gonna help her?

Jimin: We have to find a place for her to live.

[Jungkook, Jimin and Taehyung were the second year students in Seoul university and Hoseok was a third year student. They lived in the boys dormitory.

Jimin and Taehyung were roommates and Hoseok was roommates with Namjoon. Because of odd number of students in the second year, Jungkook got to have a single room by himself without any roommate.]

"Where are you gonna find a place at this time! It's the middle of the night!" Jungkook asked raising an eyebrow.

Hearing his question, the other three turned their heads towards Jungkook at the same time as if he was the solution to their problem.

"Oh shit!! Don't even think about it! I'm not gonna take a girl in boys dormitory. If I get caught, it's gonna be a mess!" said Jungkook lifting both of his hands up in the air.

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