Chapter 10

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~Few days later~
After that day YN had been living in the teachers apartment with Jin and Yoongi. It was the only solution Jin could find although Yoongi was dead against the decision. Now Yoongi was living in constant fear of getting attacked.

In the early morning Jin was preparing breakfast when YN came out of her room and stood in front of him.

"Good morning, YN. You're so early today. Do you have something to say?" Jin asked.

"Um, can you call Jungkook and tell him to come here? I wanted to ask him something!" YN asked while fiddling with her fingers.

"Why don't you go with me then! You can meet him in the campus. I can bet he's sleeping right now!" Jin replied.

"Oh no, no it's okay! I can tell him later," YN said and hung her head low.

These few days Jungkook couldn't come to meet her as he was busy studying for his exams. He had promised her that he would come to meet her but he didn't. 'Did he forget about me!' YN thought.

She was now almost hopeless when suddenly the doorbell rang. She opened the door revealing Jungkook.

"Um, hi YN. How are you? I'm sorry I couldn't come. But I have a gift for you!" Jungkook said as he scratched the back of his neck being a little bit shy.

"Is it Jungkook! Wah! You're always late in the class but how come you're so early today!" Jin shouted from the kitchen.

"Ah professor! You're exaggerating. It's not like I'm late every day!" Jungkook shouted back still standing in front of the doorway.

"Whatever! YN was missing you really bad. She just asked about you a minute ago," Jin shouted again.

Hearing what Jin just said, YN's cheeks turned red. She lowered her gaze and made way for Jungkook to enter.

"Here! It's a new phone. I bought it for you yesterday. I've already saved our numbers so you don't have to worry. If you ever need anything just call me, okay!" Jungkook said while giving her the phone.

"You guys are doing a lot of things for me and I'm just.... I don't know how to ever repay you," YN said with an anxious looking face.

"You don't have to repay anything, YN! I like doing these small things for you," Jungkook explained with a soft smile. Jin was laughing quietly in the kitchen hearing their cheesy conversation.

"I'd like to work, Jungkook! I feel like a burden sitting all day and doing nothing. Is there any job suitable for me?" YN asked raising her eyebrows.

Jungkook widened his eyes and looked at her with a confused face. He actually had no idea how to fulfill her wish.

"If you want I can get you a job in the university cafeteria. All you have to do is serve the food and a little bit cleaning. Do you think you can do it?" Jin asked as he walked to the living room and sat in front of them.

Before YN could reply Jungkook chimed in. "Professor! She's a princess! How can you suggest this kind of job!" Jungkook retorted as he stood up from the couch being agitated.

"You see, she has no identity and no certificate of anything! This is all that I can manage for her!" Jin explained looking up at Jungkook.

This time YN replied before Jungkook could argue further. "I'd really appreciate it, fathe.... sorry Oraboni!"

"Then I'll talk to the authority today about this. Don't worry my daughter!" Jin said as he patted YN's head.

Jin was quite happy thinking that the former king looked like him as the king was rumored to be handsome. So, whenever YN called him father by mistake he felt soft towards the poor soul and treated her like a daughter.
~Two days later~
Jin somehow managed to convince the authority to give YN a job in the cafeteria. He came back home with a jolly mind and gave YN the good news.

"Why do you look sad? Aren't you happy!" Jin asked looking at YN.

"Of course I am! It's just that... the last time I was there, few girls bullied me. What if they come after me again! What should I do then!" YN replied as she looked at Jin with soft eyes.

"Ah! Girls these days! I know what exactly to do. Get ready, we're going out!" Jin said ruffling her silky hair and went inside his room to freshen up.
Jin took YN to a beauty salon and got her a modern haircut. As YN was already beautiful, she didn't need any cosmetic treatment on her face. Then he went to the mall and bought her few up-to-date outfits to wear at work and also some light makeup materials.

Jin gave YN a complete demonstration of what to do and how to do both about the makeup and her work. She was now ready to start a new chapter of her life.

"Have you seen the new chick working in the cafe? Man she's hot!"

"Who's that girl! I think I saw her before in the campus!"

As Jungkook was standing in the line for food, he heard some guys whisper about a new girl working in the cafe. He knew YN was supposed to join today so he became very anxious.

Finally when he reached the front, he saw the girl whom he was dying to meet. She looked breathtakingly beautiful that made his heart skip a beat.

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