Chapter 5

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After leaving YN in the police station they all went back to their dorm. Jungkook was busy cleaning up the mess that YN created in his room.

While cleaning his cupboard his eyes fell on the dress that YN was wearing when they first met. He forgot to return it to her. Looking at her dress made him regret his behavior a little. He shouldn't have been so hard on her!

However, the shining stones on the dress made him wonder a little. They were too much beautiful to be ordinary stones. So he plucked one of the stones and took it with him.

The next day they went to the class as usual. Taehyung looked very sad thinking about the helpless girl. He was lost in his thoughts when Professor Seokjin entered the class and began his lesson.

"In the last class I started the lesson about King RJ and his dynasty. Now where were we...... " he kept lecturing. Jungkook wasn't that much interested in history but for some unknown reasons, he concentrated on the class.

"You know there's a saying that, the king was very handsome. But there's no portrait of him to prove that. I bet, no one can be more handsome than me," the professor said which made all the students laugh.

Then he added, "You may find the Royal Family portrait on the internet. Some of their faces are still not smudged. All of you have to submit a report about today's lesson in the next class, okay! Don't forget it!" Then the professor left the class leaving the students sigh in frustration.

Later that day, Jimin and Taehyung went to Jungkook's room to study. They were preparing their reports while Tae was surfing through the internet. Suddenly he jumped up and startled the other two.

"Whoa! Look at the princess's picture! Don't you think YN looks quite similar to her?" Tae explained. The other two hovered over his shoulder to take a look.

"The picture isn't that clear. But it looks a lot like YN! You know there's a lot of look alike people!" Jimin said shrugging his shoulders.

"The princess's name was YN too, look here!" Jungkook said pointing at his book. He had a confused expression. Then he added, "That night when we took her here, she told me that she was the princess and that she came from another world. To be specific, she jumped through time!"

The three of them looked at each other with wide eyes. Then suddenly Jimin and Tae burst out laughing. Jungkook was still with a confused look.

"Haha! Funniest thing I've ever heard. Do you believe in these time travel things? I think she's delusional," Jimin said while laughing crazily.

"Why do you care now, Kook! You are the one who kicked her out! Poor YN, I wonder if they found her family!" Tae said sulking.

"Okay then! Let's go to the police station after the class tomorrow," Jungkook proposed and other two nodded.

 ~Police station~     
"Two days ago we filed a report and left a girl here. Did you find her family?" Jungkook asked the police in charge.

Looking at the register the police replied, "We didn't find any match for her in our database. She's like a ghost. Maybe she's an illegal immigrant!"

"How can you say that! She totally looks like a Korean, for God's sake!" Jimin said.

"Can you tell us where did you send her?" Jungkook asked being anxious.

"About that, sir! We were about to take her in our custody but she disappeared. We tried to find her but failed," the police said with a disappointed face.

The three of them came out with a sad looking face. Jungkook was now regretting his decision. The girl was a little bit crazy and didn't know a single thing how everything worked. If anything happened to her, he could never forgive himself.

"If you controlled your anger a little bit, this wouldn't have happened! God knows how is she now! What if something had happened to her!" Taehyung spat at Jungkook.

Jungkook was a cold type of guy but also very sensitive. Whenever he made any mistake he used to cry a lot. But his hyungs were always there to console him. Now he made a mistake and his hyung was blaming him. He couldn't control his tears.

"Are you crying, Jungkook! Hey, it's okay. We're gonna find her. Now come here!" Jimin said while hugging the youngest. Tae just scoffed being angry and turned his head to the opposite side.

The rest of the day they stayed in a park and wandered around a little bit. Jungkook and Taehyung were not talking to each other and Jimin was stuck in between them. When it was dark, they went to a street food vendor.

"Six fish cakes and three bowl of Teokbboki please," Jimin ordered.

They were standing in front of the stall and Jimin took a glance at both Jungkook and Taehyung.

"Are you guys still not talking? How long are you guys gonna keep this up, ha! Give me a bre..., " Jimin couldn't finish as they heard some shouting nearby.

"If you don't have money then go away! I don't give free food!" A vendor from one of the stalls shouted.

"I'm asking for only one, please!" A girl pleaded.

Hearing the girl, the three boys turned their head at the same time and widened their eyes. "It's YN!" The three of them said in unison.

Jimin and Taehyung were too surprised to react while Jungkook ran in the speed of lightning to her direction. Guilt was eating him from the inside so he couldn't hold himself back. "YN!" He shouted.

She looked to her sides to find the voice calling her name. Then her eyes fell on the figure standing a few feet away. 'Jungkook!' She mumbled and ran to his direction.

She hugged him all of a sudden with all her might. "Jungkook, I'm so hungry! Can you buy me some food? I won't ask for anything else, I promise! Just buy me some food! I can't take it anymore!" YN exclaimed being very desperate. The pain of hunger made her like this.

She was still wearing the same clothes that they gave her two days ago. They were dirty and her hair was messy like a bird's nest. She literally looked like a beggar. But her attire didn't stop Jungkook from hugging her back.

"I'm sorry for being so rude! Now come with me. I'll take care of you," replied Jungkook feeling relieved.

The other two were watching them from afar. At first they were surprised to find the girl, but now they were quite amused seeing the scene in front of them.

"Is Jungkook hugging her! For real! Oh my God! I'm telling this to the rest of the hyungs!" Taehyung said while covering his mouth with his hand.

"Weren't you mad at him a few seconds ago!" Jimin mocked him with a smirk.

"Aish, forget that! Look at them. They look so cute together!" Taehyung said with a pout.

Seeing Jungkook hugging a girl was quite new for them. They tried to set up the youngest with girls before but failed miserably. But now it seemed that they found the perfect target without even trying.

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