2. Bathtub

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It was Brett who broke the stunned silence first. He started, "Well, at least there isn't any bugs." It was a weak comment, but it helped comfort Eddy nonetheless. Cockoroaches (and most bugs in general) were high up on his "I really don't like it" list.

Brett walked into the bathroom to apriceiate the mess before him. After fully inspecting the disaster, he turned to Eddy and said, "We're gonna need a lot of old towels, 5-3 garbage bags, and some rubber gloves. I'll go get the garbage bags and gloves, and you go find all the old towels in your closet that you don't want or don't use anymore. This bathroom never stood a chance against us."

Eddy loved the face Brett made when he was forming and explaing his plans. It made him feel like nothing could go wrong with Brett and his plans by his side. He could stare at it all day.

Semi-distracted, Eddy missed the last words Brett said, but came back to reality when asked him, "Alright, got everything?"

"Huh? Uh, yeah, got it."

"Good. Meet back here soon with the stuff."


While Eddy walked to his closet to get the towels, he tried to remember what else he was supposed to get, but couldn't, no matter how hard he tried. He got a little too distracted looking at Brett's beautiful face.

He got to his closet and picked out as many towels as he could, 17 in all, prepared to clean his bathroom. He carried them back three at a time, and when he was done, found Brett with gloves on and hunched over the bathtub, trying to decide which cleaning method would be the most effective to get all the grime and soap off.

Eddy left the towels at the doorway, and went to be with Brett. He sat down on the rim of the bathtub, and looked over to the vomit-covered toliet and saw something crawling on the ground right behind the toilet. He stood up, looked closer, and realized what it was just as Brett shouted, "Eddy, no!!"

It was a cockoroach. It was wiggling its disgusting antane in the air and munching on his vomit. Eddy jumped backwards and fell on top of Brett, with Brett's hands under his armpits trying to catch his fall, and they fell into the bathtub. It didn't hurt too much because the fuzzy floor carpet was there to break they're landing, and because they didn't fall for too long.

Now they were sitting in the bathub with each other, Eddy in of Brett's  lap, Brett's arms still under Eddy's armpits, holding Eddy's arms up, both staring into each other's eyes.

And even though they were in a very awkward position together, they both felt otherwise. It felt, almost romantic, so right, like they were made for this position, and could sit like this for an eternity.

The moment lasted for a minute at best, until Eddy realized that he must be crushing Brett under his weight, and quickly stood up to let Brett breathe.

Brett stared up at Eddy, in awe of his feelings and thoughts that were rushing through his head, in a daze until Eddy said, "I'm sorry for crushing you bro, that must've hurt. Let me help you up."

Eddy held out his hand for Brett to take, and Brett took it and grabbed Eddy by the wrist, holding on tight.

Eddy pulled him up with ease, and Brett suddenly realized how strong Eddy was, also thinking that he could definitely pick Brett up if he tried.

Now they were standing together, noses almost touching, caught in a daze of thoughts. "Are you ok?" Eddy asked.

Brett snapped out of his daze and took a step back. "I'm good. Probably have a bruise on the back of my head later." He paused and took a deep breath. "Are you sure you're ok? That was was quite a scare you got when you saw the cockoroaches."

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