Epilouge Part 2: Trampoline

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-1 and a half year(s) later -

Brett came home one afternoon to find Eddy sitting on the couch, staring at nothing.

This was highly odd behavior for him, as Eddy liked to have something to do at all times, even if it was watching a mindless YouTube video, anything, as long as it was something. So Brett went to investigate.

He sat down on the couch next to Eddy, and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Hey Eddy."

All he got was an unenthusiastic "mm", in response.

A few moments of silence followed. "Whatchya thinkin' 'bout?"

"Our life."

Interesting, thought Brett. "Ok."

Brett looked around the living room for inspiration. He gave up, and said, "Do you want to, elaborate?"

Eddy snapped out of his gaze. He stood up and started pacing on front of Brett. "Well, its just that, I don't know, our life is great, we've got a great house, great jobs at the conservatory, good food on the table, and all that is amazing, its great, but..."

Brett raised his eyebrow in amusement. "But?" He motioned with his hands for him to continue.

"Well, what if something was missing? We go to the conservatory almost everyday, come home and have dinner together, sometimes go out for a drink, sometimes stay home, kiss, sometimes just fall asleep on the couch, but, I don't know, what if we, well, we've never talked about it before, but, I think it would be, um, good, if we could, just maybe, have you know, another, um, uh, or maybe one, uh, umm-"

This was getting intriguing, but Eddy was rambling, and he was nervous but needed to get to the point. So Brett intervened.

Brett put his hands on Eddy's shoulders, and placed a hasty kiss on his lips to get Eddy to stop pacing.

"Eddy," Brett said in a controlled but calm voice, "I understand your nervous, but please get to the point. What is it that you want to tell me?"

Eddy almost hated it when Brett did this. It was like he had drunk and whole bottle of vertiserum (very strong truth potion). "Brett, I want to have a kid."

Brett took a step back. This was a surprise.

Eddy blushed. "I mean, raise a kid, with you, of course, becuase, I... yeah."

Brett ran his hands through his hair, then asked softly, "You're just coming to this decision? Now?" It wasn't accusing, but not exactly comforting.

Eddy's blush deepened. "Well, it's kind of a long story."

Brett sat down on the couch and patted the seat next to him. "Come sit down, I want to hear it."

Eddy gulped. "Alright then."


Eddy was sitting alone on the couch, watching the hours pass by, when the feeling of longing came up again. It had been nagging him for about a month, which was especially torturus because he had no idea what it was.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2020 ⏰

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