Trollex Dare #2

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"Children! Stop running around and start acting your age! You're monarchs for crying out loud!" Katheryn shouted at the techno and rock troll.

"Sorry, mom," Barb grumbled. She stopped chasing Trollex and stomped back over to the rest of the troll leaders. Trollex followed suit.

Once everyone was back in their places, Roxy pulled out the next envelope. "Another one for you, Trollex!" she said. "These people must really like you!"

"Yay for me." He wasn't at all enthused. "Is it a dare or an ask?"

"This one is a dare," Roxy replied as a small smile began to creep across her face. Trollex started to sweat again.

"I'm not wearing another dress!" he squeaked. "You can't make me!"

"I haven't even told you what it is yet! Calm down!" Roxy giggled. She tore open the envelope and read the dare aloud:

"So this dare is also from @goldensboi , and it says: "I dare Trollex to tell his most embarrassing story to everyone!"

Trollex smiled. "Oh...that's not so bad! I don't know why I need to tell it though, since you already know what it is." He said while pointing at the maid dress that was still lying in a heap nearby. Titus crossed his arms and snorted.

"Yeah right," he scoffed. "As your father, I can confirm that's nothing compared to some of the other embarrassing things you've done as a child." Trollex started to pick at his fingers.

"How do you know? You're not me," Trollex stated rather loudly. "Can we move on to the next question please?"

"Oh no! We're not moving on until you ACTUALLY tell us your most embarrassing story."

Trollex rolled his eyes in annoyance. "And which one would that be?" Once he said that, he covered his mouth, immediately regretting his decision. He didn't realize that his dad had just talked him right into a game of chance.

Titus thought about the question for a moment, then he lifted his head up and smiled mischievously at his son.

"Tell them about the slide."

Trollex gulped. Everyone turned their heads at the same time to stare at the quivering techno troll. Titus uncrossed his arms and just stared at Trollex with the smuggest look on his face.

"Go on. I'm sure your mother would love to hear about it as well," he said as he wrapped an arm around Roxy's waist. Trollex closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then began his story:

"When I was about 10 years old, my dad built a play set on the beach for us techno kids. I don't know why he didn't just build it in the reef, but we still enjoyed it. It gave us an excuse to get out of the water from time to time, and our parents liked it because it distracted us long enough for them to sit back and relax for a while." A small smile began to appear on Trollex's face as he continued.

"That play set had swings, tunnels, and a plethora of other things, but my favorite thing was this really tall slide that had a bit of an incline near the bottom. If you were going down fast enough, you'd basically launch yourself into the air." His nostalgic smile faded away as a look of discomfort replaced it.

"I loved that slide so much that I wouldn't even stop to use the restroom..." he started to squirm. " day...when I really had to go..." His cheeks started to turn a light shade of pink. A few of the council members had already figured out where this story was heading, and you could see them sharing the same look of disgust.

"I decided that I had a very convenient way to rid myself of my bathroom troubles...with the" He sat down on the ground and started to hug his tail close to his chest. Everybody finally figured out what he was trying to tell them.

"Trollex, that is disgusting!" Delta gagged. Trollex didn't answer. He started rocking back and forth on the ground as Titus hovered over to him and tapped him on the shoulder.

"That's not where the story ends, son. Keep going!" He giggled. Trollex looked up at him.

"Do I have to?" He squeaked. Titus nodded. Trollex groaned uncomfortably, then he continued:

"So...I relieved myself at the top of the slide, and I watched as a small river of liquid flowed down to the bottom of it to create a small pool just before the incline." His face was slowly starting to turn red now. "I then decided that I had enough fun for one day, so I stood up and started to climb down the play set."

"But then I saw that a small boy decided that he wanted to slide down the slide..."

Roxy snorted. Trollex was just staring straight ahead at nobody in particular. He was too scared to look at anybody.

"Part of me wanted to warn him but the other part of me was I ran..." He buried his head into his lap. "...I ran as fast as I could towards the ocean..." Then he lifted his head up and started to laugh nervously.

"The next thing I heard was the boy, crying out behind me, "Oh No! ThErE's WaTeR oN tHe SlIdE!" His voice cracked.

Titus and Roxy threw their heads back and started laughing hysterically. A few of the other council members also started to chuckle as the once confident techno troll groaned and curled up into a ball on the ground.

"Nobody ever found out that wasn't water..." he mumbled. "Well...except for dad..."

"Are we the only ones who know that story?" Poppy asked out of curiousity. Trollex nodded, then he started crying.

Roxy crawled over to him and patted him on the shoulder. "You were a kid. You didn't know any better," she managed to say in between gulps of laughter. Trollex just groaned in response. Roxy wrapped her arms around her son and held him tightly.

"I'm sorry you had to do that," she said. Trollex lifted his head up as more tears fell down his face. His face had discovered a new shade of red from how embarrassed he was.

"It'S oKaY..."

(If any of y'all figure out where this story originally came from without looking it up, then kudos to you XD)

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